5. Ride .

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Josh: Hello?

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Josh: Hello?.. Tyler?..

I wait. No answer. I contemplate whether that was a good or bad Idea. I just want to be able to find him. The day seemed to go by so fast. I pull into the parking lot of Taco Bell, bringing my coupons because I obviously need to put them to use. I order as much food as I can, I need to bring some with me on the road. I put my phone on the table, face down. I can't just sit here and stare at a black screen. I don't know why I hoped for anything, its a very slim chance.

I continue eating, and stare out the window. Ugh, I just wish Tyler was here instead of there, I hate knowing that he is alone. I hate it so much. I hate that he is somewhere where he could be unsafe. It's very unsettling, and I hate it. I look around the room for anything weird. I get up and ask an employee if they seen a boy a few days ago. One replies yes, and tells me where he was sitting. He was sitting in the corner. Usual Tyler. I go over and sit. I look around the table and I move the napkin holder. It seems loose, and I automatically know.


I open it up and a paper falls out, with the words, "You are close. Look for a field and a yellow house. Tyler"

I sit an I can't help but think where the hell he is. This is impossible. But Tyler wouldn't make it impossible. Later tonight, wherever I end up, I'll have to search for hours on my phone. Where else could there be a yellow house and a field?

I sit and sip at my drink that is no longer there, only ice rattling in my cup. I think about the letter. It's dark, 7:00pm in fact. It's been a long day, and I really don't want to sleep in my car, nor do I want to stay at some motel, but at this point, it's my last resort. I sit for awhile longer, not wanting to get up. I throw away my trash, and get ready to drive some more.

It seems like I have been driving for so long. I actually have no idea where I am driving, i'm just driving, hopefully closer to Tyler. It's getting late, 12:00am my phone reads. I yawn, knowing that I shouldn't be driving when i'm tired. But I don't let it stop me. I can't let it stop me. I have to find Tyler and I need to find him soon. I need Tyler to be okay. need Tyler to be okay I just need him to be really okay and safe. He needs to be. He absolutely has to be. I can't live with the feeling knowing that I could of done something when we first talked. I want to know the reason why he's sad, why he had run away, why he is how he is. I want to know him. I want to see him and say, "Hello". I need too.

It ends up being 2:00am, and I know for sure I could crash with one pull of the steering wheel. I hate the idea, but I pull into a motel parking lot. I pay for a room, and dreadfully walk to it. Immediately I throw myself onto the bed and stare at the ceiling. This all better be worth it. I lay in the hard, run down motel bed and listen to the sound of the old television playing. All of a sudden, something amazing happens.

My phone vibrates, and I automatically look.

Tyler: Hello Josh :)

I can't believe my eyes. I hope this is Tyler. I mean, how would some random stranger just know my name?

Josh: Is it really you?

Tyler: Of course you idiot. It is me :)

Josh: I'm just so shocked.

Tyler: Why though? It's just me, Tyler.

Josh: Well, it may be just you, but it's amazing how the number was actually yours.

Tyler: I'd think you would be smart enough to find out. You are smart you know, you aren't as dumb as myself.

Josh: You aren't dumb at all, why would you even say that lol You are something very far.

Tyler: Josh, we only had one class together. That's all you know me from. That one class and that one day that we were partners. You don't really know me at all.

Josh: I wish.

Tyler: Well, you're kinda late on that Jishwa

Josh: What'd you call me?

Tyler: Jishwa. I don't know, sounded cute and funny.

Josh: Oh, okay. Well, I apologize for not being around earlier. I wish we were friends back in high school. I could of prevented this.

Tyler: Josh, I don't think anyone could prevent it.

Josh: Why would you even say that? You don't know.

Tyler: I do. Blurryface told me.

Josh: Blurryface?

Tyler: Uhh yeah. Hey I gotta go. I'll talk to you sometime.

Josh: No Tyler wait!

Josh: Tyler?.

Josh: Tyler.

Josh: Are you okay?..

Josh: Are you safe?.

Josh: Ill find you soon.

Hear Me, Josh (Joshler) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now