20. A Car, A Torch, and a Beautiful Boy .

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(Josh's POV)

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(Josh's POV)

I was standing in the bathroom, fixing my knotted hair. I realized how faded my hair had gotten. It turned into a light pink. Tyler thought it was the cutest too. Maybe i'll keep it like this for awhile, at least until it totally fades.

I splashed water over my face, trying to be quiet as much as possible since Tyler is still sleeping. At least, I thought so. I heard my name, but it wasn't how I usually hear it. I knew it was from Tyler obviously, I just never heard him say it the way he did. 

"Yeah Ty?" I yell back, but I don't get a response. Immediately I become worried. One second he was talking, the next he's quiet. I walk out an see Tyler staring into his lap, tears in his eyes. I walk over an shake him,  but Tyler doesn't seem to notice. He's in a trance, I keep shaking him.

Eventually, he snaps out of it an looks at me; he practically jumped on me. I reassured him everything was going to be alright. I just wish he actually realized and got it through his head that I wasn't going anywhere. The only way I'd go is, well, death. But I don't plan on that happening for awhile. 

We sit for awhile, I rub his back an kiss his cheek.

"Hey Ty, why don't we go camping today? Something new to do.?" 

He looked up at me an he smiled, nodding his head quickly. "Yes Joshie, yes I'd love to go camping with you." He giggles an kisses me. 

"Well sillybaby, let's get a move on. I know the perfect spot." 

(Tyler's POV)

We sat in the car for awhile, the only noise going through the car was our backpacks moving, and Josh tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.


He stops tapping. "Hmm?"

"You play drums, right?"

"Oh uh, yeah. Just haven't in awhile."

I sigh, and look back at the road.

"Why Ty, what's up?"  

I look back up at him, playing with my fingers in an anxious way. 

"Uhh. U-uh have you ever thought of. Y-you know. Making music? Like a band or something."

Josh doesn't answer right away, he just stares at the road ahead of us an sucks on his bottom lip, trying to find an answer. I shouldn't have opened my mouth. It was a stupid question. I mean, do people even start bands anymore? Would he even want to start one with me?.

"Yeah, I mean. Why not. It isn't a bad idea. Maybe we get far. You never know." He smiles at me, like he actually wants to go through with this.

I look at the floor an kick an the side of the door. "Well Joshie. I mean, I do play a few different things. Ukulele, if you forgot. And piano an bass guitar. And I can sing. So I mean, maybe this can work. I don't know."

Josh seemed intrigued by the idea. "Yeah, let's do it. Really. Sometime this week i'll set up my old kit, and we can play a little bit." 

I smiled, I'm actually looked forward to this. Me an Josh are gonna make a band. A real band.


An hour or so later, were back in Columbus, driving down a small road in the middle of a forest. I didn't want to say anything to Josh, but I really hoped we wouldn't be camping in the forest. I've had some weird dreams about forests. I wouldn't even call them dreams, more like nightmares. I was always terrified of them. An sometimes when I woke up, I either smelled gas or a fire, like the burning wood.

Thankfully, Josh  pulled onto a side street that went up a hill. There were less an less trees, only worsening my curiosity an anxiety. I didn't know where we were going, but Josh knew exactly what he was doing. Josh knows what's good an bad, so he must be taking to a place where i'll be okay.

He slows down as we reach the top of the hill. I could see the sunset, shining over the car and onto the clouds above us. There are no trees, but flowers. It was a field of red and purple and yellow.  Josh didn't have a tent, so he decided we would sleep in the backseat but with the windows open.

Josh also wanted to do something, "adventurous". So, like the child he is, runs somewhere in the field an picks up a stick. He takes a lighter that he found in the car, an makes a torch. He lifts it into the air, carrying it in air an running through the flowers. He's laughing to himself, a huge grin across his face. He looks like a knight, with his torch in hand, running to save his kingdom, or going to save his princess.

I step out of the car and climb onto his car, making my way to standing on the roof.

"Hey Joshie, you're my knight in shining armor!" I laugh and feel my face turning red as a smile comes up on my face. He runs toward me, hopping right up onto the hood of the car, holding his torch up like he had completed his mission.

"Oh, my Princess Tyler! I am here to save you!" Josh and I had the biggest smiles on our faces, laughing at how goofy we both were. He takes my hand an kisses it, before leading me off the top of the car. Once were on the ground, Josh takes his makeshift torch and sticks it into the ground. He checks to make sure that nothing can catch on fire before stepping inside the car with me. 

Josh made sure to get the blankets out of his trunk an put the windows down before settling in the back with me. We could see the moon out of the back window. It wasn't as full as the night in the hotel, but the moon still lit up the car. I had taken my shirt off an so has Josh. Surprisingly, the backseat was big enough for the both of us. Spacious, actually. I sat up for awhile, my soon-to-be-husband laying in my lap while I was stroking his pink curls. I leaned down an pressed my lips against his soft pink lips, instantly catching Josh's attention. He reached up an put his hand on my cheek.

"You, Tyler Robert Joseph, are so very cute."

I feel my face turn a light shade of red. I stare at him some more before moving down beside him. He pulled me against him, wrapping his arms around me. Our chests were pressed against each other, an I looked at him. We kiss each other one last time, before closing our eyes.

"And you, Joshua William Dun, are a very, very beautiful boy." 

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