10. Corey VS Andrew

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Who could've done it? Who hated my family enough to kill them?

I tapped my pencil on my notebook as I thought hard. I'd been picking my brain, trying to remember anything that could possibly lead to the person that killed my parents and aunt. I thought if I wrote my ideas down on paper and visually saw my thoughts, I'd be able to connect things and think differently, but so far I had almost nothing.

Our neighbor Ryan Brown and his son Henry were the only suspects I had.

Mr. Brown wanted me to record music for him, and date his son, but I said no to both. I wasn't going to record my music for a stranger and I definitely wasn't going to date his son. I'd heard that Henry did drugs and ran with the wrong crowd, so I didn't want to get involved in that.

Mr. Brown was furious that I said no, and I got scared and told my parents about him.

They immediately went over to the Brown's house to confront him, even though I begged them not to, and when they came back they told me I had nothing to worry about. He wouldn't bother me again.

I never saw him or his son after that. They must've moved away.

Six months later my parents were killed.

I couldn't know for sure if those two events were connected, but that was the best lead I had at the moment.

Now that I was thinking about anyone that might want to hurt my parents, I realized that I didn't know them very well. I never knew what was going on in their lives.

Sure I knew what they did for a living, Dad was a pianist and mom and artist, but I never understood why they were always gone out of town on business trips.

They wouldn't have to be gone all the time if they were just an artist and pianist. I always knew in the back of my mind that they were hiding something from me, but I never wanted to admit it.

What if their secret was the reason they were dead?

If I wanted answers I needed to go home. Luckily it was Christmas break in two weeks.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

"Hey girlie." Sky greeted when she walked through the door.

"I thought you'd never get back." I cried dramatically as I stood up to give her a hug.

Jess and Sky were finally back, late Sunday night, from their family filled weekend. Now everything could go back to normal, I hoped.

"How was your weekend?" Sky asked as she unpacked her bag.

"Boring, very boring." I lied. I felt bad for not telling her the truth, but I didn't want to talk about what happened. Even the fun Matt, Drew, and I had playing football. I'd rather just block out the whole two days.

"Same girl. We just watched movies the whole time." Sky replied.

I laid down on my bed and looked at the ceiling as I tried hard not to think about anything. I've had a constant headache since I got the news about aunt Maria, probably because my mind has been working overtime trying to figure out what really happened.

"I told Jess I'd meet her in the den, wanna come?" Sky spoke up, thankfully pulling me out of my thoughts before they went downhill. I needed to stop thinking.

I shrugged, "Sure."

We walked to the den in silence, and I enjoyed the peace while I could because the minute we walked through the doors it would be anything but quiet.

"Sky, Cora, over here." Jess called out, waving us over to the couches.

As I got closer I noticed three other people with her; Matt, Cody, and Drew. Cody was sitting right beside Jess, his arm around her, and to my surprise she was barely blushing. What has happened between them that I didn't know about?

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