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Kanan made his way to Maul's base using his force sight. Kanan heard moaning and whispering from a room which he knew it belonged to Ezra. Kanan opened the door and followed the sound of Ezra's crying. Kanan used the force to look his padawan over for any injuries. Through the force Kanan saw that there was a dangerous infection on his chest and he was missing the left lobe of his liver.

Kanan: Ezra it's okay I'm right here.
Ezra: K.....Kanan
Kanan: I'm here Ezra it's going to be okay.

Ezra: T....towel c......covered in,

Kanan: Where?
Ezra: Ch....chest.
Kanan: Don't worry I'll get it off.

Kanan then removed the towel from Ezra's chest and then he gently picked him up. Kanan carried the boy all the way to the ghost while Zeb was distracting Maul. When everyone was on the ghost everyone looked for a person to donate their left lobe to Ezra.

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