Infection part 2

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The next afternoon at the hospital Kanan watches Alaya examine Ezra. After 30 minutes of examining Ezra, Alaya did a blood test and took it to the lab which means Ezra and Kanan were left alone for a few minutes.

Kanan: Your doing really good.
Ezra: thanks

Kanan: but I feel like that there is something on your mind.

Ezra: Why do you say that?

Kanan: Because you keep looking around the room.

Ezra: Sorry
Kanan: So what's bugging you?

Ezra: The though of Maul coming to kidnap and torture me like what happened last time I was here.

Kanan: Ezra it's going to be ok as long as I am here I won't let anything happen to you.

Ezra: Thank you master.

Soon Doctor Alaya came into the room with a sad look on her face.

Kanan: Everything ok Alaya.
Alaya: I just got back from the lab.
Ezra: What's wrong with me?

Alaya: From what Maul did to you the infection on your chest is getting worse.

Ezra: Then how come I can't feel the pain?

Alaya: Some infections don't hurt but they make you very ill.

Kanan: How ill?

Alaya: It's pretty bad you see if an infection is untreated then it can lead to deadly consequences.

Kanan: How long do we have to treat the infection before he dies?

Alaya: About a week and a half.
Ezra: Kanan I don't want to die.

Kanan: You won't. I've already lost my master I'm not going to loose you too.

Kanan was just as afraid as Ezra he didn't want Ezra to die either but as he heard all the time when he was a kid "Never give up hope, Trust in the force" and that is what Kanan will do to save Ezra's life

To be continued

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