Infection 8

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Since Kanan was watching Sabine, Hera had to give Ezra his final dose of medicine before he went to bed. When Ezra was fast asleep Hera walked over to Kanan.

Hera: We need to have a talk.
Kanan: What about?
Hera: It's about Ezra.
Kanan: Alaya said he's fine
Hera: Not completely fine he still needs help.
Kanan: I've been helping.
Hera: Helping who?! because it's not Ezra!
Kanan: Sabine has a big problem right now!

Hera: No she doesn't she is just throwing up in the morning while Ezra is very sick and has an infection on his chest!

Kanan: Sabine needs me right now.

Hera: So does Ezra. He's in pain Kanan. Please you need to stop not caring about him he needs you to help him through these hard times Kanan. Please I'm begging you. Help Ezra through his pain.

Kanan: Hera I can't leave Sabine alone right now.

Hera: Your unbelievable! I'm pouring my heart out here and you don't even care!

Kanan: I can't believe that you don't know what Sabine is going through right now!

Hera: Oh your so unbelievable! I wish I could just leave this crew right now!

Kanan: Then do it!
Hera: Maybe l will.
Kanan: Ok then I keep Sabine.
Hera: Ok but I keep Ezra.
Kanan: What No!

Hera: You can have him back when care about him and apologize to me.

Kanan: ok

Hera: And I can't promise that I will still be on the same planet when you do.

Kanan: Okay then
Hera: Yeah, Goodbye Kanan.
Kanan: Goodbye Hera.

To Be Continued

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