Chapter VI - Light Meets Dark (Part I)

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Chapter VI - Light Meets Dark (Part I)

A towering throne made of weathered ebony stood proudly at the far end of the room. It was elevated by several steps on a landing that led to yet another dimly lit passageway. The room itself was bright, all in thanks to the floor to ceiling windows that framed a small portion of the courtyard. The dull black granite stone encasing the room was well-worn and smooth with patchy dead vines covering portions of the walls. Several floor chandeliers were lit and gave off a pleasant smell of cloves and other spiced herbs. It made the otherwise cool air heavy with aroma.  

There were a few people of the court milling about, whispering and staring as Emri, Ryker, and the two guards moved into the room. Emri’s feet rocked ever-so-slightly on the uneven slate as they approached a lean man sitting stiffly on the raven throne. He had long dark brown hair that was partially pulled back and secured with a tie. His face was unfriendly, and he had the slightest smirk. Boney hands gripped tightly at the throne arms, turning his already pale skin white at the pressure points.      

The throne, however, captured Emri’s attention. The intrinsic designs were frightening as they rose from the wood, casting rivers of shadows beneath them, showcasing thorned vines and depictions of corvidae over corpses. Mimicking the barren walls, dead vines encircled the base and top crowns of the throne. But perhaps the most threatening and chilling of the designs, was the single symbol etched right above the Lord’s head. It was the three connecting rings of Thrice, but both the Grey and White had been viciously carved out, leaving rough and jagged splinters behind. Emri swallowed thickly as she regarded Lord Tyron.

 “To who do we owe this unexpected meeting?” The Lord asked as he looked between all four individuals. His eyes moved as his body sat inert.

“The Council has requested our presence here, Your Majesty,” Emri said. “I’m sure you’re aware of our current predicament.”

“Perhaps,” he spoke as his appraised her. Sizing her up, perhaps. Whatever it was, it sent a powerful chill down Emri spine. “But again, why are you here?”

“We believe you have someone in custody that might know how to stop it.” 

His eyes penetrating. “And that might be?”

“The fallen Empress … your predecessor.”

As soon as the words left Emri’s mouth, a howling, mocking laughter sliced through the thick air. All the air gathered in her lungs, vanished, like a vacuum as her lungs felt as if they had collapsed. This was not going well. Mentally, she was praying for the other council members to arrive sooner rather than later. Ryker must have had the same idea as she sensed him shift beside her.

“You wish to consort with the evil Empress?” Lord Tyron spoke, his yellow and crooked teeth bared in a wicked smile. “What makes you believe she is the cause of this? She’s been imprisoned for many years. Years before this even formed. She couldn’t have created that portal.”

“But she might know how to stop it. This is powerful energy. Energy and force that only someone of great strength could construct … and who else would want to bring tragedy upon the three kingdoms?” she asked, fully knowing the answer. She knew of the grievances Kali had harbored against both the Grey and White, then again, it was not new sentiment among many within the kingdoms. It was common knowledge of the distrust and bitterness felt.

“You might be surprised of the enemies to all the realms. You have knowledge of what’s taking place here, but why wasn’t I informed of your arrival? How do I know you are being truthful? The Council rarely does anything out of order such as this.”

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