I Bruised My Vagina, Don't Ask

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I think I bruised my vagina. I was helping Alphys move into Undyne's house and I had to help them carry a table, I banged the front of my vagina on the table while I was carrying it, and now I honestly think I bruised it. Ya know how when you press on a bruise, it hurts and stuff? It feels exactly how a bruise does when I press it. So, I honestly think I bruised myself. And I'm not the only one who thinks so.

"So (Y/N), how was the blow to the taco?" Undyne asked and I looked at her incredulously. "None of your business! ... you noticed?" Undyne chuckled, "Duh I did! I was watching Alphy's ass and then I saw the collision, and now you're limping and shit. Hurt?" I rolled my eyes, "Yes it hurts. I think I may just go home. I need some ice." Don't underestimate how easily you can injure your vagina by doing normal everyday things. It happens.

"G-G-Good luck!" Alphys said and I nodded, "Good luck with moving in." I said in return as I waved goodbye before leaving. Undyne's house is close to the River Person so I limped over to them. "Tra la la ~ your walk is different. You limp." "Yea, I ran into something." I tried to keep it a vague as possible. "Well then, tra la la. Hotlands is the way to go. Doctor Gaster may have a remedy." They pointed out, it was a good point. "Hotlands it is then." "Tra la la, good choice." They said as they took me down the river, to Hotlands. I hoped Gaster could somehow help. I just need something for pain. "Tra la la, here we are." The River Person said as we arrived. I thanked them for the ride and then headed to the Lab, where Gaster would be working.

I went through the automatic doors and I saw him bent over an experiment, watching for some chemical reactions. "Hey, Gaster?" I asked softly, not wanting to disrupt him. "Just one moment my love, I have to see what happens whe-" He was cut off by bubbling in the beaker he was pouring things into. "Ha! I knew sodium fluoride would work!" I raised an eyebrow as he excitedly took notes. Though I'm almost positive sodium fluoride is a poison to humans. I chuckled some, he's such a dork. But it's honestly adorable. I could watch him get excited over an experiment or him proving his hypothesis to be correct all day because of the huge smile he gets. I love watching him nerd out. Especially over anime, he flips out over anime all the time. I blame Alphys, but then again, it's extremely adorable.

He turned around and grinned, "Yes my love?" He asked happily. "Uh, I uh. I need some medicine or something. Like a pain medication." He bit his lip at this. "Well, there's the problem. You see, I do have pain medication, but it's for monsters." He said and he frowned some. "I'm really sorry about that. What's hurting?" I bit my lip. "It's fine, I just ran into a table while I was helping Alphys move." I said, playing it off while not really answering his question.

It sucks dating a smart person. Dumb people don't notice when you avoid a question, smart people are too curious and meticulous to ignore when you don't answer a question. "Oh, I'm sorry that happened. But, what did you hit?" I really don't know how to explain this. "My ..... private area." I hesitantly said and I watched a lavender blush wash over his cheekbones. "Oh. Oh my." He said with wide eyes. I just looked down at my feet.

"Do you, believe you've broken something, or ....." "I think I bruised it. It should be fine though." I knew it would hurt for a day or two. But I would be fine. "Okay, if you're sure." He said and he then bit his lip. "But, I really do think I should check it." He said and I blushed, "Uh, why?" He seemed all too eager and determined to check between my legs. I wondered for a moment if he had ever seen a naked human before.

"I am a doctor, as well as a scientist. I would only be doing my job by giving you a check-up, and be fulfilling my obligations as the Royal Scientist by examining an injury on a human." I raised an eyebrow at this. "And also I love you and I wanna make you all better." He quickly added and I chuckled some. Such an adorable nerd. "Okay then." I said and he smiled as he went into one of the examination rooms and cleaned it up for me. I entered and he blushed a lavender color as he handed me a gown to change into. He politely turned around and I changed. He turned back around and helped me onto the table. "If you feel uncomfortable, tell me." He said and I nodded.

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