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(Contains angst and fluff. UnderFell)

Right now, I'm trapped in a mountain full of idiots. All of them are evil and hurtful, they fight and beat each other up all the time for no reason. Worst of all, they hate humans. I'm a human. I only survived because I turned myself in and talked my way into a deal. Whether on paper or in speech, I'm pretty good with my words. Instead of a dead body, I'm a science experiment to a dickwad, Dr. Gaster. Better than being dead I suppose. Though he is a senseless asshole. Half the time he just injects random stuff in me to see what happens. Though I am glad to at least have my own room, which took some debating to get. It had a desk with plenty of pens and paper, writing is the only thing that keeps me sane anymore. I picked up my pen and I stared at the blank paper before me. I bit my lip as I titled my work.


In the eye of a hurricane there is quiet, for just a moment, a yellow sky. When I was seven a hurricane destroyed my town, I didn't drown. I couldn't seem to die. When I was ten my father split. Full of it and debt-ridden. I was twelve when my mother died. We were sick and she was holding me. We lived in our own filth, the scent thick. And I got better but my mother went quick. I couldn't seem to die. I was seventeen when I found a mountain, I knew those who climbed it died. I watched the sun set, closed my eyes to keep the memory. I prayed it was the last thing I'd ever see. I drew my last breath and leaped. I couldn't seem to die. But the golden flowers somehow saved me. I've battled and I've fought and I've killed, for the notion of a new life that I now get to build. Now I refuse to die.

I put down my pen. As a rough draft it was okay. I'd come up with something better later, after I've had some food in me. I was allowed some freedoms, eating, bathing, and using the bathroom as I please. Some privacy. That's it. I got a starfait, it's become my favorite thing down here because it's the cheeriest thing here. I finished up and I went back to my room, freezing at the doorway, Gaster was in there. One of the rules we had was that he wouldn't go through my stuff, and here he is, reading my stuff. "Hey! You aren't suppose to go through my stuff!" I said as I walked in. He just rolled his eyes, "I didn't. It was laying out in the open, fair game." He said with an eye roll. "So. What's all this? Your father left, your mother died, a hurricane destroyed your home, and you tried to kill yourself?" He asked as he put the paper down. He looked at me and for the first time I saw concern on his face. "Yea. So." I said defensively, even though he wasn't attacking.

"This changes everything! Do you have clinical depression or something of that nature? Because if you do then that would seriously effect the chemicals in your brain and your bodily functions, which could of totally thrown all my research off by having inaccurate results! That being due to not compensating for possible mental illnesses!" He exclaimed, flipping out when only two seconds ago he seemed completely calm. I sighed, not really caring to talk about it, "I have no mental problems." I replied monotonously.

"Have you been tested for mental illnesses before?!"
"Then we'll start immediately!"

Usually if someone found out your father left, your mother died leaving you an orphan, a hurricane destroyed your home, and you tried to kill yourself, people would show compassion and maybe give you a hug. But not in this world. All he saw was me fucking up his science. He pulled me down the hall and into his office. He sat me down and pulled out a notepad. He began to take extensive notes. He started to ask me how I felt, how often I got hungry, how much I usually ate, how much sleep I got, if I feel tired often, things like that. Eventually I was just half-assing my answers and not really listening to the questions. "Why won't you let me help you?" This made me focus back on him. "What?" There's no way he could of said what I just heard. "I asked why you won't let me help you." He repeated and my eyebrows furrowed a bit, unsure of his definition of being helpful. I shrugged, "I-. I didn't realize you were helping me."

Gaster sighed and threw his notepad down. "I could of let you die! I don't need a human for research! I could use you to see how long humans can go without food or how long humans survive in fire, but I don't! I could of tormented you and killed you, but I haven't! And now, I'm trying to see if you're mentally okay. How is this not helping?!" Now I understood it. In this world, things were a lot different. In his mind he was helping me by letting me live and trying to diagnose me. "Oh, I guess I never thought of it that way." Gaster crossed his arms. "(Y/N), the only reason I'm telling you this is because you couldn't tell other monsters even if you wanted to. But, you're the only human past childhood I've seen. You're nearly an adult human female. You're one of the only people I see on a daily basis that doesn't want to kill me besides Asgore and Alphys. You're like a break from the outside world. You're so different and I suppose uh, that's interesting. And it's..... different in a good way. Uhm."

I could tell he was getting tangled with his words, so to save him the frustration I stepped in. "Really? Different in a good way?" Gaster nodded, "Yea. Non-violent and, nice and stuff." I know Alphys is gay, so I'm probably the closest thing to an eligible bachelorette he'll ever meet. Especially since the rest wanna kill him and he isn't exactly smooth with the ladies. I took a deep breath. "Gaster, you're probably gonna laugh at me for even considering it, but do you maybe, wanna be friends?" Gaster raised an eyebrow at this, he then began to laugh. "Friendship?! You're asking me to consider forming a mutual bond of affection, with a human?!" He seemed to think the notion was ridiculous, as I expected. Once he stopped laughing, he saw my unamused face, realizing I had been serious. "Oh. Alright, whatever. I accept your offer of a friendship."

I know for a fact that he doesn't have any real friends. And I also know that nobody, neither human nor monster, can survive without a friend. But I was more than happy to be Gaster's first friend.

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