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(Maidtale. An AU in which you are a master and characters from all your favorite AUs are dressed in maid and butler outfits, serving you. I don't know who made this, but whoever they are, they are a genius. Smut.)

Being a neko has been terribly hard. I have to watch out for my tail so it isn't stepped on, I have to be careful when I brush my hair so I don't get my ear, and I have to explain to everyone that my ears and tail are off limits. NO ONE can touch them. EVER. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

But I never tell them why.

Because I'm part cat, I'm susceptible to heat. If thrown into heat, I will lose my shit and only be able to focus on screwing anything that moves. A sure way to throw me into heat is to touch my ears or tail. I haven't been on heat for three years, they start when you're sixteen. I only had heat once and it was absolute hell. I kept myself locked in my room for a week. I'm twenty now and extremely cautious.

I will admit, avoiding heat is extremely unhealthily and I shouldn't be doing it, but I really want to. Mostly because I'm ugly af, and nobody knows about my heat, so nobody knows about what I need and how it makes me feel. And I defiantly don't want to go at it alone. So, I avoid it at all costs.

My maids and butlers are especially careful about not touching. Mostly because they want to keep their jobs. I only have three of each. Blueberry, Ink, and Dream are my maids while Edgy, Nightmare, and Gaster are my butlers.



I don't know why I haven't fired him yet. He's a genius, part of that is he's very curious. So he's always questioning me about my cat-like nature and physique. Always questioning why he can't touch my tail and ears. Usually he would back off, but some days, he was persistent. Like today.

He was continuously asking why he can't touch my tail and ears. "Does it hurt, Mistress? I can understand if your body just doesn't know how to react to touch there since it's unnatural for you to have these parts." "No. Just shut up." "Mistress, please. If I may, I could figure out why you were born with these parts." "I don't care why. Just leave it alone." But I knew he wouldn't, no matter what I said. "Just let me touch them once, just to se-" I cut him off with an angry roar, "DON'T! You will never be allowed to touch me there! So just KNOCK IT OFF!" I'm hardly ever angry, so I wasn't surprised when he just stared at me, shocked by my outburst.

I huffed and turned around as he began to apologize. I began to walk away, until, "Wait! Mistress, please! I'm so sorry, I'll do anything to make it up to you!" I felt his hand wrap around my tail and tug me back. I gasped and dropped to my knees immediately, my back arched some. He didn't seem to notice, he just stared at my tail. "It's, so soft." He began to curiously pet my tail, playing with it. I bit my lip, the nerves in my tail were connected to my pussy. It was like he was rubbing me between my legs. My eyes closed as I let out a soft moan, grinding myself against the floor in time with his petting.

He gasped and looked down at me, freezing. "Don't stop." I demanded and he hesitantly pet my tail again. I growled softly and arched my back as I moaned softly in response to his fingers gently running through my fur. "Do you know what you've just done?" I asked with a smirk, he hesitantly shook his head. I let out a chuckle along with a moan. "You've put me in heat." I licked my lips and purred as I moaned, "Do you know what you're gonna do now?" Again, he shook his head hesitantly. "You're gonna help me through it."

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