Name Game

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(A/N: It's my birthday in an hour, August 10th 11:10 p.m.)

It couldn't possible be that hard to pronounce my name.

But for some reason, monsters had a very difficult time. It is completely unlike any of their names, watching them try to spell it and sound it out is even more hilarious. At this point it had gotten very amusing.

You once had a conversation with your friend, Gaster, on how skeletal naming words.

You wait until the baby makes noises, decipher it into a font, and if you're right, that's the font they write in when they get older. Or if not, you start calling them by the font they write in.

"Humans do it very differently." "How else could you name a child?" "Well, humans don't write or speak in fonts. As long as we know the gender we could have them named before they're even born. We could name them after a place, city, a part of nature, a word of another language, sometimes colors, plants, animals, even other people. It's fun to come up with names for babies." I said with a smile. Gaster raised an eyebrow. "Besides, you don't think WingDings is a little odd for a name?

He thought for a moment, and I couldn't help but to blurt out, "That has to sound weird when your girlfriend is moaning out a font." He blushed darkly, "F-F-For your information! I d-don't have a g-girlfriend!" I chuckled, I must of really embarrassed him. "And for the record, everyone calls me Gaster, so it would probably be that name." I chuckled, "Right, of course."

"Well (Y/N) isn't very easy to say! I think you'd do much better with a font name." Gaster said and I raised an eyebrow. "A font name?" "Yes! It would be so easy to say! Just do ahead and say something, something long, try to explain something to me. I need to analyze your voice and then I can give you your font name." I sighed and I thought for a moment.

"The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second and it's unchanging. There is no fixed frame of reference in the universe, everything moves relative to everything else. Time doesn't pass at the same rate for everyone. A fast-moving observer would report time moving slower that a relatively stationary one. A fast-moving object also appears shorter than a slower one, the effect is subtle until you get close to the speed of light. Mass and energy are just different manifestations of the same thing. Also, space and time are part of one continuum called space-time. Space-time is like a grid and the presence of mass distorts is. There are more than four dimensions. Gravity is present when space-time has been distorted by mass. And gravity bends light. That is Einstein's Theory of Relativity, basically. Space is weird."

That seemed to be enough for him, he smiled as he came up with a name for me, "Futura." He said and I raised an eyebrow. "Futura?" "Yes! Your voice is softer, it isn't bold or loud, it doesn't demand attention like mine. But at the same time it isn't too soft, no serifs, something with a neutral volume, but feminine, and pretty. Futura is perfect for you!" He said excitedly and I raised an eyebrow, "If you're sure." I said and I then repeated it a few times. It sounded nice. I furrowed my eyebrows. "I think Futura is also a Spanish word. It means future."

He raised an eyebrow at this. "Oh, I suppose it would make sense as it does sound like future. But still, Futura is a font, a very nice font and I think you'll like it."

He went over to his computer and typed up a few sentences in the font. "See, it matches your voice perfectly!" I didn't understand how he figured what font matched my voice, but I decided to take his word for it. "But I don't write like that." "Yes, but you don't write like any font so we can't base it off of that." I chuckled some and nodded. I then looked over at the font again. It did look pretty.

I tilted my head some as I looked over at it. "I do like the font, but my name is (Y/N), I'm not gonna change it." I said. "Thanks anyways." I said and he shrugged. "I still don't understand how to say your real name." He confessed and I chuckled, I sounded it out for him and he nodded some, he tried to say it. And failed.

We spend the next ten minutes sounding out my name and trying to put it all together. Once he finally understood, he was able to say it mostly right. I smiled, "See! It isn't that hard!" I said and he nodded some. "(Y/N), I like it!" He said with a smile. "I thought my name was too difficult." I teased an he shrugged, "It was. But, now that I can say it, I think (Y/N) is a much more beautiful name than Futura." I smiled and blushed some. "Thank you." I said and he smiled at me. "And, I suppose WingDings Gaster is a bit charming." He chuckled at this, "Thank you."

Damn I'm crushing on him so hard.

W. D. Gaster x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now