Revenge Body: Lights! Camera! Action!

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Flowey and Mettaton. My only friends. We support each other. We live together in Mettaton's pink house in WaterFall. The only other people I ever interact with are Alphys and Blooky when they come over. They're pretty cool. Especially Blooky, he isn't very mean, he also doesn't talk much anyways. And Alphys is just broken. But I've been helping her, I've been giving her someone to talk to. Someone to trust. I'd like to think we're pretty good friends. But in all honesty, I'm tired of living like this. I mean, I love Mettaton and Flowey to death, and Blooky and Alphys are awesome. But I'm tired having to isolating myself inside and unable to show my face outside. And this is all Gaster's fault.

Gaster wanted to do an experiment on human emotions, see how we worked, he how we ticked. And I was his test subject. So he pretended to be my friend. He kept it up for almost a year, I thought we were best friends. He's seen me sad, depressed, homesick, happy, excited, angry, furious, shy, nervous, all of that. I thought things were going fine, and I didn't suspect a thing. Until one day, he asked me out. And then, when I showed up for our date, he amazed me. It was easily the best date of my life. We talked, we laughed, we had an amazing time. It was so perfect. And then he walked me home, we had an amazing conversation. He blushed a lot, every time he looked into my eyes he would. We talked about the stars of all things. They really interested him. Everything was so magical.

Then when he got me home, he dumped me. He said it was just an experiment to see how human emotions and relationships work. He was only pretending to like me. In reality, he hated me. He also said he found the results of his experiment to be "boring". Then he left without another word. I went inside, not wanting him to see or hear me cry. Word got around about his experiment and that's when the taunting really began. They justified the whole situation, with my body. Saying I was too ugly for even a monster. I wasn't even good enough for an old and lonely skeleton. I'm gonna show them. I'm gonna show them I'm good enough for any monster here. I'm gonna make them wish they had me, and regret every bit of criticism. Every bit of them calling me too ugly and fat and weird. I wanna make them wish they had me.

I workout a little bit everyday now. Just a little something to work out each part of my body. I delicate as much time as I can to my workout. But never more than a few hours. I've been working out like this for months, trying to get fit and in shape. I looked fine before, but this is all part of my revenge. I want everyone to look at me and think one or both of these thoughts, 'wow, I wish I looked like her' or 'wow, I wanna fuck her'. This is my revenge. I want to seduce the entire Underground and make them wish they were nicer to me. Because while they're thinking those thoughts, they'll also be thinking, 'but it'll never happen'.

Alphys came over once, three months after I started. She looked extremely shocked when she saw me. She was blushing and could hardly even look at me or focus when we spoke. Then she finally snapped and said, "How the fuck did you get so hott?!" I pretended not to know what she was talking about. She said I was too sexy. "I mean, you looked fine before, but now, you're too sexy for me to focus on anything!" It was pretty hilarious. I apologized nevertheless. And when she left, she checked me out three times when we were saying goodbye. It's been four months since I started now. I think I'm done. I'm ready to finally get my revenge.

I licked my lips as I let Mettaton and Flowey dress me up. The next part of the plan was about to begin. I have two main talents, singing and dancing. Which I'm gonna use to help me seduce the whole Underground. Though I will admit that's a bit of an exaggeration. I know I'm not gonna give everyone here a boner. I just wanna prove them all wrong. But most of all, it's about my revenge on Gaster. I wanna make him regret blowing his shot. He could of had me, but he messed it all up. I wanna show him what he could if had. What the entire Underground wishes they could get, if only they had been a little nicer to me.

Time for part three. I was dressed up in a small robe, it showed off my body, my hair was done wild and sexy, and my makeup was better than I could of dreamed. I went into my room and got in position. I waited with a smirk on my face. I was excited and nervous to finally be getting my revenge on the Underground. I took a deep breath to relax myself, this had to look natural. Now, it's time for Mettaton to "accidentally" walk in on me being sexy. "Let's see how that lowly human is doing. She's been in isolation for so long, I bet she's gone crazy!" That was the signal to start. He was filming me as a segment on his next show, it was a holiday special and was all day long. People criticized it, yet the entire Underground would watch it anyways. Every single minute of it. Everyone adored him, even if they didn't want to admit it. It was easy to see. No one ever bothered him when he went out in public. They silently loved him, by never attacking or hurting him. I heard mechanical footsteps walking down the hall, towards my door. I smirked, it's time for my moment in the spotlight. Time for my revenge.

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