Revenge Body: Showtime

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I sat on the couch with Flowey, I turned the TV to Mettaton's channel. There was a countdown timer on the screen. It was counting down to Mettaton's holiday special. It was going to be live, so Mettaton wasn't here at the moment. But he would be afterwards. I smirked as the countdown hit the last minute. I chewed my lip excitedly. I looked down at Flowey, he giggled. "Do you think it's gonna work?" "Defiantly." I said as I looked up at the screen. The show started. It was awesome! He did a segment from each of his shows, he did a Q&A, he got a lot of audience participation, he played games, it was really fun! I smirked as he started on his last segment, my segment.

He mentioned me, asking if anyone knew about me. The audience went wild. "I've seen the human before, though, it's been a long time. Is it dead?" Someone asked. "No, she's very much alive. In fact, I have video proof. Would anyone like to see?" The audience went wild. I honestly didn't expect that reaction. "Yea! I wanna see her!" "No way, I bet she's dead." "This is fucking insane, a video of the human!" "I have to blog about this on the Undernet!" I giggled as the video started, Mettaton was using the camera in his eye to record everything.

(Song above)

He gave the verbal cue, then started walking. After only two steps, my voice could be heard and he froze as if he thought he had been caught. "I just wanna, show you how much I appreciate you. Wanna show you how much I'm dedicated to you. Wanna show you how much I will forever be true. Wanna show you how much you got your girl feelin' good." My voice echoed through the video, it was haunting, mysterious, and sexy. Even I blushed some, I didn't know I sounded like that. I sounded like a ghost or a siren, it sounded so mystical. I almost couldn't believe it was me singing. I grinned as I watched.

"Loving you is really all that's on my mind." He continued to walk, cautiously. By then I had already begun my choreography. Luckily, it didn't get good until later. "Tonight I'm gonna dance for you. Tonight I'm gonna dance for you. Tonight I'm gonna put my body on your body, boy I like it when you watch me, ah! Tonight it's going down. I'll be rockin' on my babe, rockin', rockin' on my babe. Swirlin' on my babe, swirlin', swirlin on my babe. Baby lemme put my body on your body, promise not to tell nobody. 'Cause, it's bout to go down."

He made it to my room and opened the door. I was in the small silk robe, doing my choreography as I sang, facing away from the door so I didn't hear him. My haunting voice grew louder as I hit the next verse and chorus. Then, I hit my favorite part, "I'mma take this time to show you how much you mean to me. 'Cause you are all I need. No money can emphasize or describe, the love that's in between the lines. Boy look into my eyes. While I'm grinding on you. This is beyond sex. I'm high on you. If it's real then you know how I feel. Rockin' on you babe. Rockin', rockin' on you babe. Swirlin' on you babe. In my mind all I can think about is a frame for our future, and the pictures of the past. And a chance to make this love last!" I hit the chorus again. Then, I finished up my song. But by then Mettaton had left. He told me to come up with something for the entire song since he didn't know how long he was gonna be recording.

The video ended. The audience was silence. "Holy shit." A soft voice said. "Oh my god." "That was so hott." "I can't believe that's the human." "She's sexy as hell." "No. Fucking. Way." "That was so sexy." Comments were being thrown out, all of them complements. Mettaton chuckled some, "I know, I felt the same way. I really didn't know she had it in her." Someone then blurted out, "Is she single?" Mettaton nodded, another voice commented, "Well damn. Dr. Gaster must really regret dumping her. Haha, I mean, look at what he could of ended up with!" A roar of agreement came from the audience. Voices commenting and agreeing and laughing at how stupid he was for dumping me.

Revenge completed.

"Satisfied?" Flowey asked. "Defiantly." I said with a smirk. I was very glad I did this. My phone went off, I looked down at it, Alphys was calling me. I answered, "Hello?" "H-Hey, (Y/N) uh. Well. I uh, n-need to tell you something very important." "What is it?" "Gaster saw. He saw. He s-s-saw everything. We were watching it at the Lab and h-he saw the video. A-And holy shit I saw the video! B-But, he heard he audience talking and he got mad. A-At himself. Mad at himself. Now he's talking about how he knew he shouldn't of let you g-go." "What? I was just an experiment. He probably means he shouldn't of broken it off so early so he could of gotten more information." "N-No. H- wait. He said you were an experiment?"

"Uh. Yea. When he took me home from our date. He explained that our friendship and date was all an experiment to study human emotions and relationships. He said the results were boring and then left." "THAT DICK!" We had honestly never discussed Gaster. So I never told her what happened. I just assumed she knew. And we've never really gone out together, so, there's always a chance she never heard the taunting. And maybe Gaster never disclosed the information either. She huffed. "Listen, Gaster's an idiot. A complete idiot. And a liar. I knew he liked you. Well. He still does. Ugh!" She fumbled with her words a bit, "It wasn't an experiment!"

I froze.

What the fuck.

"He meant all of it. I mean, emotionally. He really was friends with you and really liked you. He told me. He also talked about you a lot, I had to help him get the courage to ask you out. But, the Gaster I know is also very bad with relationships. He isn't exactly a chick magnet if you know what I mean." She sighed. "He probably panicked and called it off before something bad could happen." I heard a bang. "Are you serious?!" "Yes! And, he still talks about you. Everything I come back from seeing you he asks how you're doing. But he never told me that's what happened. He just made up excuses every time I asked, he never wanted to talk about it. But he still speaks of you. He still likes you, and now, him dumping you has finally blown up in his face."

I took a deep breath. "Woah." "Oh! And the video gave him a boner and some serious DETERMINATION!" "What?!" "Yea, he's going to your house. Right now. He may of teleported. Expect him to be there any second." She hung up. Flowey heard everything and was looking up at me with wide eyes. "He's coming?! Here?! And he's horny?!" "Apparentl-" I was cut off by the door bell. I set Flowey down and I calmly went to the door, I opened it, raising an eyebrow and acting surprised to see Gaster. "Oh. Hello." I said dismissively. "Hi. Uh. I know I'm not the first person you'd expect, and the last you'd want to see, but I need to talk to you." "About what?" "About us." "About your experiment." I corrected.

I know Alphys told me otherwise, but I need to hear it from him to believe it. "It. It wasn't an experiment." He looked down. "I genuinely liked you. I really wanted to date you. But, something bad always happens. My first wife died hundreds of years ago, every girlfriend I've had since then ended up dumping me. I thought I would just be friends with you, but, you're a human, you aren't like them. I thought I could date you. But everything went so well, I didn't want to lose it all and be heartbroken again. So I panicked and made something up. I'm sorry." I sighed. "Gaster, in all honesty, I don't really care anymore. Had you shown up five months ago with this, I might of forgiven you. You might of even had a chance. But instead, it took a video of me being seductive for you to realize you lost something good. In fact, I'm too good for you. I always have been, and I always will be. I just didn't see it yet."

This was just suppose to upset him, I didn't intend for things to end up like this. "I know you are. I've always known. But please, just one last chance. I promise, I won't do something stupid again." I leaned against the doorframe. Frowning some, letting out a sigh. "On one condition." "Anything." I smirked. "What gave you that boner?" He froze and blushed. "Really, I have to answer this?" "Yes." He looked away, nervous, he let out a sigh. "Y-You." I smirked wider and chuckled. "Alright then. One more chance." I kissed his cheek. He grinned and his purple blush darkened some, "I promise you'll be happy that you did this."

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