Cracks: Weeding

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Weeding. Verb. To remove unwanted plants.

I had most everyone in shelters by now, Flowey's body was so damaged now that he needs to possess someone in order to live on. He's possessed everyone here at one point besides me and Gaster, I'm heading up to the Lab to meet him now. We're gonna end this. I had just finished a short fiasco with Alphys in the True Lab, while there I found some tapes of the Dreemurr family. I learned more about deceased Princes, Chara and Asriel. I found myself putting puzzle pieces together. Alphys injected a flower with the will to live, then put it back in the King's garden. Later, Asriel died in the King's garden. Later, Asgore found Flowey in his garden, crying. I talked to Alphys about all this and apparently, she had already connected the dots. But knew it would break the King and Queen's heart to tell them, so she never did. I understand her choice.

I made it up to the Lab and froze in my place, Gaster was there, his back towards me. He was shaking and a long thorny vine was wrapped around him. I glared at this. I haven't killed anyone in the Underground, but if this little flower think's he's gonna get away with hurting my boyfriend, he's dead wrong. Gaster, or maybe Flowey, turned around to face me, both with a sickening smile. I couldn't help but to gag some. Flower was wrapped through both of Gaster's eye sockets and various other holes in his skull, he must of been squeezing because there were new cracks in Gaster's skull. It looked really gross and uncomfortable.

"Flowey. Don't make me have to hurt you." I said calmly, but seriously. "Hahahahaha! You mean this isn't enough?!" Flower asked with a grin. "Ooh, this is gonna be so good! A final showdown, lover versus lover. Hahahaha! And you're so helpless to stop me, because the only way to do that, is to kill Gaster!" Gaster choked out, "Run." "Oh no no no, we can't have you talking. It'll only spoil the fun. But if she does run, I'll kill you anyways! Hahaha, oh it's so exciting! Either I kill you, or I kill (Y/N). But it's all up to her." He grinned at me. I chewed my lip. "Or, I could kill you." I said and Flowey laughed, "Oh? You kill me? Hahahahaha, and ruin your little Pacifist Route?" I looked up at Flowey, my eyebrows furrowed. Is that really what he thought? This whole time? He must think I'm Frisk or something, because pacifist isn't really my style, even if I haven't killed.

"Pacifist Route? When did I said I was on a Pacifist Route? When did I ever promise not to kill or hurt anyone? When did I become Frisk? Or maybe you think I'm Chara. Well, I'm not. They're dead. Because you killed them. It's funny how your own game ruins your fun. You're running out of players, Asriel. First your adopted sibling, then an innocent child. Your own parents, family, friends. Let's face it, no matter how many people you play with, you'll always be alone in the end. Always. And for what? What's it all for? Fun? Laughs? Curiosity? To bring your dead sibling back? Because Chara isn't coming back, ever. You've given excuse after excuse for your behavior, but in the end, we both know, that no matter what, you'll always be a miserable and friendless flower. Just give up now. You know that even with DETERMINATION, you can't RESET far enough to fix what you've done. Nothing will ever fix what you've done. And now here you are, an empty shell who can't even survive without being attached to someone else. You may think you have the upper hand, but in all reality, you've never been so weak." Flowey was silent, no retort, no yelling, no comment, hardly even moving.

"The was I see it, you have two options. And no Flowey, I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Asriel right now. Asriel, you can either give up now and let us help you. We could find a way to keep you alive. We could work to try to make you a goat monster thing again. We could reunite you with your parents without anyone knowing you were Flowey. Only me, Gaster, Alphys, your parents, and sans would know. And if you ever were ready, we could tell everyone else. But not if you don't want to. Or, you can die. Whether it be after you've killed Gaster and me or not. Everyone else is in shelters, with us dead you won't have anyone to feed off of. You'll die and this time, you won't have the power to RESET. You might come back, but also you might not. I'm offering you the chance to live, to have friends, to try to be normal again. Or death. But it's all up to you."

Flowey didn't say anything for a while. I noticed the vines were loosening around Gaster's body, but he didn't dare to move yet. A sudden movement and Flowey could tighten his grip again. Flowey looked down for a moment, as if he was honestly thinking about it. He had retracted enough so that his grip was only a single vine wrapped around Gaster's torso, but I was still ready to kick some ass if I had to. "Do you really think, there would be a way for me?" He asked softly. I nodded. "Yes. I've been letting Alphys observe my SOUL. She's learning more and more about the essence of the SOUL everyday. She thinks she's close to being able to make an artificial one. And I know your father kept your dust. We could use it." I took a deep breath, "Asriel, you have a real chance to be your old self again. Don't throw away your shot."

His eyes widened some. "Then do something. Something to stabilize me s-so, so I can get off this stupid skeleton." I nodded. "I'll get Alphys on it."

Alphys used a very small dosage of DETERMINATION to stabilize Flowey. He got off of Gaster. Alphys clapped her hands happily, "This is gonna so cool! I really think I can make an artificial SOUL!" Flowey furrowed his eyebrows, "Strange." He muttered. "What?" I asked and he sighed, "I feel, something. And it feels different and strange but, it is good too. I think I feel, hope."

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