A Past Life: Family

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I watched Gaster enter the room, there was a strong tension between him and his sons. Alphys left the room, knowing this was a matter for us on our own. I even tried to leave, but Papyrus held my hand, so I stayed. "*look, i don't care for apologies anymore so drop the niceties. i don't care why you did what you did, i don't care at all for most of the things you could try to explain. i only have one question. why did you neglect us and why did you still refuse to see us when you came back?" Gaster gulped, he looked down, "While you were staying with me, I consumed myself in my work, in order to distract myself from her. I didn't want to face her death. It became the only way I could cope. And then, when you left, I thought I was too late. I figured it would be pointless, I thought you had moved on and it would only hurt you to see me again."

sans glared, "*liar. you knew it would hurt us regardless. you knew it wasn't too late because the pain would of been there either way. you were just to scared to come see us, so you made excuses in your head to justify your own selfish reasons for not being around." I couldn't help but to agree with him. He was completely right. "I also used to tell myself, Papyrus probably doesn't remember me, if I show up then sans would have to explain everything. I told myself you two didn't even want to see me, knowing the monster I am. I busied myself, I hoped you two were busy. I hoped you hated me." sans clenched his jaw, "*i don't hate you. you're my dad, i was indifferent towards you for the longest time, and now ..... i'm mad. and i'm sad, and confused, and furious because i'll never be able to understand why. i know your reasons, but i doubt i'll ever be able to truly understand."

Papyrus soon spoke up, "Gaster, dad, I don't know what to call you. You're right when you say I don't remember you. I honestly am not sure of who you really are. Though I don't remember much, for years your face haunted me. It was all I could remember but I couldn't place it, until today. Of course I knew who Dr. Gaster was, the Royal Scientist before Alphys, but I had never really met you after (Y/N) got you out of the Void. I don't know who you are, and I defiantly don't remember mom. Which is highly unfortunate. I didn't even know I had parents until today. But, I would be willing to find out who you are. I'll give you a second chance, if you want it." Gaster was shocked, he probably didn't expect Papyrus to be so composed and calm. And I know he defiantly didn't expect a second chance. "I would like that Papyrus, thank you."

They looked over at sans, he was so conflicted. Does he give a second chance, does he forgive but choose to forget, does he leave? He's probably unsure. "sans, if you never want to see my face again, and act like I don't even exist, just say so and you'll never have to see me again." Gaster offered, but sans looked up with tears in his eyes. "*that would be the perfect revenge, wouldn't it? you ignore me for years and pretend i don't exist, so now i can do the same to you. no. i won't because i know how much it hurts, and i would never want to put that kind of pain on anyone. ever. not even you. you can have another chance, but this is your only one. understand?" Gaster nodded. Papyrus smiled, "Well, now that that's out of the way, how about you and (Y/N) come over this weekend for dinner?" I nodded, "We would love to, Papyrus." I said as I smiled up at him.

After very awkward goodbyes they left, it was just me and Gaster. The moment they left, I slapped him in the face. "I deserve that." He said as he rubbed his cheekbone some. "I was aware you three were the only skeletons in the Underground, I thought something was up when you left that one time I mentioned sans, and I was confused as to why no one would explain how you got in the Void in the first place. But, you had kids and a wife! And you didn't tell me! I understand it's hard but. This is a pretty shitty way to find out. And all the things you did. I saw everything! I saw it all! Every experiment, every death, every heartbreak sans went through, every time Papyrus cried and all he had was sans to try to take care of him. But ya know what, I watched them grow up, something you never got to see. I watched sans grow up faster than any child should have to, I watched him work hard to survive. He has two jobs now, not to mention pulling scams around the Underground like a fake telescope and selling hot cats instead of hotdogs. He still struggles to survive. He doesn't sleep. He works till the middle of the night and then gets up early in the morning to start work again. And when he does get to sleep, all he ever has is nightmares. All he does is work hard. And he works so Papyrus doesn't have to, so Papyrus doesn't have to worry about anything at all. Everyday he puts his mental and physical health on the line for Papyrus, and he only has 1 HP. And you know why he does it? Because for most of his life, he's been taking care of Papyrus. He's made more sacrifices for Papyrus than the majority of parents have to make for their kids. He gave everything up for his brother, his brother is all he has. And it was all because you couldn't look up and notice your own kids, because you forgot you were a father. I understand you lost your wife, but so do plenty of other men who are fathers, but you know what they do? They invest everything in their kids. Cause they already lost their wife and they don't wanna lose their kids too." He seemed completely shocked. I don't think I've ever raised my voice at him before. "You're just, ah!" I punched him in the chest, it hurt him more emotionally than physically. As in, it hardly effected him at all physically.

Gaster just stared at me a moment. "(Y/N), I know I didn't make the best choices, but I'm trying to get better. And, I'll admit I was too scared to face my sons again. I was terrified. But, I never realized what I made sans go through." His eyes widened some. "Oh god, just think of what his reaction would of been when he realized tormenting and killing humans and monsters was my "important work" and why I was too busy to spend time with them!" I put a hand on his shoulder. "I know. I saw his face. I saw his reaction. He didn't take it well." I had calmed down from my mental breakdown. "It's over Gaster." He looked at me, hurt. "What?! (Y/N), please. You can't leave me. I can't lose anyone else!"

My eyes widened, "Oh! No. I-I just realized how that sounded. I didn't mean it like that. I meant the past is over. Oh geez, sorry for the scare. I meant that the past is over and what happened, happened. We can't change it. But think of the positives, sans was pissed and sad, and now, he wants to give you another chance. He needs his father. They both do. It isn't too late, you can get your sons back, you can be their dad and do things right this time." He nodded some at this, he seemed to feel better. I did feel a little bad for blowing up, but I was still in shock and angered by how he had treated his own children. I then looked up at him curiously, "Uh, Gaster? I do have one question for you." He took a deep breath, preparing for the worst.

"How old are you.....?"


"Well, you were married for years and you have grown sons, so. How old are you?" He looked nervous. He looked away awkwardly.

"Is it that bad.....?"

".....it's pretty bad."

I never realized how old of a person I was dating until now.

"How old are you?!"

".....centuries. I-I've been around for multiple centuries."

I raised an eyebrow and he explained. "I'm what is considered a boss monster, that's how sans is also one, and perhaps Papyrus. I'm not sure yet. Anyways, boss monsters don't physically age until they have a child, like King Asgore and Queen Toriel, since they were involved in the original war with humans. I was a teenager during that war, Asgore is only a little older than me. I didn't physically age past twenty or so until sans was born. But, when I fell in the CORE, I stopped aging since I was pure nothingness. I haven't physically aged since I left the Void. But, based on how many years I've been around, I'm centuries old."


I'm not sure why I screamed it.

Gaster actually laughed. "Yea yea, laugh it up. Fuck you. You and your ancient ass." I said, crossing my arms. "Oddly enough, I'm fine with it. You're basically an immortal in the sense that you can't die of old age, so you being centuries old due to immortality doesn't really count as aging. Or at least I don't count it." I said and he just grinned at me. He then wrapped his arms around me and held me close. "I love you (Y/N)." I blushed and giggled, "I love you too Gaster." I nuzzled into his chest and smiled.

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