Soulmate: A Strange Name

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Wingdings Gaster.

That's all it said.

No middle name, just, Wingdings Gaster.

I live in a world where soulmates are taken very seriously. On your left wrist, you are born with the name of your soulmate. My wrist said Wingdings Gaster. I learned of the font wingdings and immediately became interested. Now it's like a second alphabet to be. I can read and write in it as easily as I can read and write in my native tongue. I found it a bit strange that my soulmate would be named after a font, but at the same time it's oddly charming.

Another point of soulmates is that whatever you draw on your left arm, appears on your soulmate's left arm. Many people wrote down addresses and places. It's adorable. But most people wait. They wait until they finish college or are in a steady job. Some just jump right into it when they are children. It lets people know that whenever they are ready, they have true love waiting for them. It's comforting.

If an accident happens and for some reason you are without a left arm, it switches to your right. If that fails, it goes to your left thigh, then right thigh, then torso. Fate is a stubborn asshole.

When I was sixteen I began to sharpen my drawing skills. I would draw roses, scales, hearts, skulls, tribal designs, stripes, circles, swirls, everything I could think of in order to entertain my mate.

Until one day, a message appeared on my arm.


It was in wingdings.

I responded in the same way, 'Hi'

'I hope this doesn't seem too forward, but, might I ask where you are?'

'It isn't too forward at all.' Followed by the city I live in.

There was nothing for a moment. Our messages doing from my wrist, right under his name, heading down my inner forearm.

'You're a human?'

I raised an eyebrow. 'Yes'


Was all he responded with. I bit my lip. The only other living creature I can think of besides humans, is monsters. But the monsters were all trapped in the Underground. Is it possible to have a monster mate?

'I take it you must be a monster'

'I am. Sorry.'

'Don't be'

Again, there was a solid minute where he didn't respond.

'I hope me being a monster doesn't make you feel uncomfortable. If you want, you can go the rest of your life without meeting me, it wouldn't be hard to avoid me considering where I am.'

I smiled sadly. Poor thing, he blames himself for the way he was born.

'I'm not uncomfortable in the slightest and I would love to meet you. You're my soulmate, monster or not. I only hope you can accept me as your soulmate, despite me being a human.'

Ten seconds without a response.

'Thank you.'

Was what he responded with. He then continued.

'I'm glad you accept me and that you would like to meet me. But, I am in the Underground.'

'I know. But I know where the mountain is.'

I knew the only way to see him would be to fall down. And I might not survive that. I also know that if I fall down, I'll never be able to leave. I'll have to throw my entire life on the surface away in order to spend the rest of it with him.

'How old are you?'

He asked, probably having the same thoughts as me.


I responded and there was no response for three minutes. Three long minutes. Three and five minutes may not seem long, but when you're just looking at your arm, anxious, it feels like an hour.

'How old are you?'

I added, growing ever more anxious without his response.


Was all he said. I chuckled softly.

'How old is old?'

'A few hundred years'

That was a bit of a surprise, but I'm more comfortable with 500 than I am 50. For some reason.


I asked, curious as to how he was still alive after so long.

'There are two types of monsters. A typical monster, and a boss monster. Typical monsters live lifespans similar to humans, but I'm a boss monster. Boss monsters grow to adulthood and then stop aging until they have children.'

'So you've never had children?'

'Well, it's complicated.'

As it turns out, he had a wife before my name appeared on his arm. Before magic and fate had evolved to create mates. He told me of how he had two sons before he fell into the Void. His wife died, and then, a few hundred years ago, he escaped the Void. But because of his time there, his aging stopped again and hasn't continued since. He said my name appeared on his arm two hundred years ago, a little after soulmates first became. I smiled at this.

'I know you've been waiting for me for years now. But, I'm only sixteen. If it's okay with you, I was hoping I could spend a few more years here before going to meet you.'

An awkward feeling took over me. Maybe I shouldn't of said anything. Maybe I shouldn't of responded to his words. Maybe I should of waited for him to just give up again. But my anxiety peaked when he began to respond.

'I completely understand. I'm glad you want to wait. I would feel bad for taking your youth from you so soon.'

I smiled softly. He seems very kind.

Perhaps I was lucky to have him for a soulmate. I nodded some to myself, silently deciding that I was correct. I am lucky to have him for a mate. Very lucky.

Our conversation continued. Soon we were on the subject of education. I mentioned I was still in high school. Apparently he's been through college enough times to have masters and doctors degrees in multiple fields of study. I learned of his job title, Royal Scientist. Meanwhile I'm just a high school student.

I almost felt inferior. But I decided not to let that bring me down. Just because I wasn't as old or a wise didn't make me anything less. I would later learn that he was, in fact, jealous of me. For all the knowledge in the world means nothing when you don't have your freedom.

You have nothing when you aren't free.

W. D. Gaster x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now