Chapter 2✓

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Lucas's POV

The bell rings, signalling the end of school. With every class me and Noah had together, he sat beside me. I was glad that I met a friend so fast, but I can tell I'm already known as a freak here for randomly playing guitar outside the school.

We walk out of school, side by side, in silence. Noah stops me before I walk away.

"Tomorrow?" He says hopefully.


I walk back home, my mind blank with exhaustion. I unlock the door and walk into my house, shutting the door behind me. I bring my backpack and guitar up to my room and plop on my bed. I hear my phone ding. I let out a tired groan and grab it from the pocket of my backpack.

Unknown: hello!

I scrunch up my nose, wondering who it's from. I'm not one to hand out my number to random people. Then, I remember giving my number to Noah when we parted ways after recess.

Lucas: hey, is this Noah?

Unknown: you know it.

Lucas: ok, let me make a contact.

I click on the number and make a contact for Noah.

Noah: what emoji do you want for your contact?

Lucas: what emoji?

Noah: yeah.

Lucas: uh... chicken.

Noah: why?

Lucas: *shrugs*

Noah: XD k, cool.

Lucas: what about you, what emoji do you want?

Noah: gimme a camel.

Lucas: perfect.



Noah🐫: I don't like my camel.

Lucas🐔: fair enough, pick something else.

Noah🐫: so much freedom...
Noah🐫: how about...🐦

Lucas🐔: okey dokey.

Noah🐦: perfect.

I put my phone back down, hearing the sound of the front door opening. I run downstairs, excited to see my mom, just like every day.

"Hi, mom! Welcome home!" I say as I bound down the stairs, finding her taking off her jacket at the closet. She simply nods in greeting. "How was work? Is this new office different? Did you have to--"

"Lucas, sweetie, I love you but I really don't have the energy for this right now," She says groggily.

"Oh, yeah, of course. Sorry," I reply, disregarding the pang of sorrow from being ignored. "What do you want for supper?" I ask sheepishly, hoping she'll answer this question, as it's quite simple.

"I'm not hungry. I'll be in my room if you need me, but please don't disturb me unless it's absolutely necessary, alright?" I don't get a chance to reply as she kisses me on the forehead and stumbles off into her room.

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