Chapter 5^

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Lucas's POV (A/N: I swear I'll change the POV at some point!!)

(A/N: Also, its Friday, just so you know.)

"No, you can't go!" I squeal for the hundredth time, latched onto my mothers arm like a child.

"Lucas, you've been home alone before!" My mom argues, trying to keep her voice sweet but the exhaustion and annoyance comes through.

"But, never on Sunday! I've never been alone on a Sunday!" I protest.

"I'll make it up to you!"

"You always say that!"

"Lucas," my mom says sweetly, making me remove the death grip on her arm and just stare at her sadly. She puts her hands on my shoulders. "You'll be fine. I have to go to this business meeting, I'll get fired if i don't, and if I'm fired--"

"You won't have a job and we won't have money for anything. I know mom, but didn't anyone tell you all you need is love to survive?"

"When I was young and naive, yes, but now I know you need to work to live. I love you, baby, but I have to go." She pulls me into a tight hug. I rest my arm around her and slowly squeeze harder, not wanting to let go. "How about we go on a road trip for spring break? I'll get work off, and it'll just be me and you."

I nod into the hug. "Okay."

"Okay." She pulls away, placing a kiss on my head, grabbing her bags, and leaving the house.

I place my hand on the door when it closes, trying to stop myself from flinging it open and running after her. When I hear her car drive away, I break, falling to my knees and crying for her to return. After a while of crying, I fall exhausted, and fall asleep leaning against the front door.


I'm snap awake to knocking at the door. I bolt up, hoping it's my mom, even if she just forgot something here, maybe I could convince her to stay.

I pull the door open, and to my surprise it isn't my mom at the door, it's Noah.

"Oh, hi," I say, trying to keep the disappointment out of my voice.

"Hey. Sorry to drop over without telling you, but you didn't answer your phone for hours and I got worried something happened," He says, the sincere worry in his voice making me smile.

I gesture for him to come in and close the door behind him.

"Are you ok?" He asks, "you look like you've been crying for days."

"I might as well have been," I mumble pathetically.

"What's up?"

"It's nothing really, probably just dumb."

"Fine, don't tell me," He says with mock annoyance. He smirks at me. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't care."

"Fair enough, lets go."

I put on my shoes and coat and Noah pulls me out of the house. He continues to pull me down the street until we reach an old fence. Noah lets go of my hand to climb over the fence, and I watch him curiously as he seems to know where he's going.

"Are you coming?" He asks, reaching out his hand to help me climb over the fence.

"Are we allowed over there?" I ask him cautiously.

"Would I ever lead you astray?" He retorts innocently.


"Come on." He stretches his arm out further, and this time, I take it.

I climb over the fence without too much trouble and Noah lets go of my hand once I'm on the other side. Behind the fence is a grand wood, stretching who knows how far.

"Whoa..." I mutter, looking around in astonishment.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Noah asks, and I can feel his eyes on me, but I can't take my eyes away from the massive trees around me. I nod in reply. "Come on, there's more."

He grabs my hand again and pulls me through the trees, over bushes and logs, and finally to a slim stream flowing through the wood.

"Right this way," He says as he drops my hand and grabs a log. He lays the log over the stream and walks across. He waits for me at the other side.

I cautiously stumble across the log and to Noah's side. He keeps walking, with me in tow.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he holds the branch of a tree up so it doesn't smack me.

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," He replies with a smirk.

"I'm fine with that."

Noah laughs and we walk forward a little more before he stops me. "Close your eyes," He says.


"Just close them."

I sigh and close my eyes.

"Don't peak!" He says in a singsong voice.

"I won't!" I mock his tone.

He puts one hand on my back and the other on my arm, leading me through the woods. Finally, he tells me to sit down.

He lets go of me and I hear his footsteps moving around me. "Okay, open your eyes."

I do as I'm told, opening my eyes to a giant lake with Lilly pads and flowers, where the water is so clear, I can see every inch of the fish swimming in it.

My lips part slightly at the sight, letting out a slight gasp from the beauty. Noah sits beside me. "Was that worth the hike or what?" He says with a smile.

"It's amazing." I sigh contently, even as I speak.

"Isn't it?"

"I've never seen anything more beautiful in my life."

I see Noah glance at me for a moment out of the corner of my eye, but think nothing of it as he says, "Me neither."

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