Chapter 15

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Noah's POV

I stayed with Lucas the for the night. He never slept the whole night, but he pretended to for a while before I called him out on it.

I walk down the hospital hallway after getting coffee for both of us. Because he didn't sleep, neither did I. I stayed up and made bad jokes like nothing was wrong, but it's quite nerve wracking to worry beside my best friend about his health.

There should be a word for second hand dread. Second hand stress and worry. There probably is, but if there isn't, there should be.

I make it back to the room, placing a smile on my face. I find Lucas, cradling his head in his hands. His breaths are shot, like gasps. I lay down the coffees and rush to his side.

"Lucas? Lucas, buddy, what's wrong?" I ask. He doesn't reply. I now notice he's shaking violently all over. "Lucas, talk to me. What's wrong?"

"He's having a panic attack, dumbass." A voice says. I turn to see Tristen standing in the doorway. I don't mind what he called me, and gesture him over.

"What do I do?"

"You don't touch him."

"But I want to help--"

"I know you do, but you're not particularly good with things like this."


"Let me handle it."

I sit back and nod. Tristen leans in, but doesn't touch Lucas. He begins to talk so quietly that I can't hear what he's saying. Lucas doesn't respond to a word Tristen says, but every so often, he nods to show he understands. Carefully, Tristen slips a hand onto Lucas's back and calmly talks a little louder, still too low to comprehend. Lucas's breathing begins to steady, and his grip on his head loosens. He slowly, but surely, relaxes beside Tristen. The only words I hear Tristen mutter are, "everything will be okay."

He gestures for me to come back, and I do. He gives Lucas a side hug and then slowly releases him, moving me to take his place at his side. I drape an arm around him, listening to him breath. Tristen goes to leave, but I call out to him quietly.

"Are you leaving?" I ask.

"Me and Connor will be in the waiting room if you need us. We came to make sure he was okay." He whispers back.

"Thank you. That's really nice."

Tristen doesn't say anything in reply. He nods at me and leaves, closing the door behind him.

After a while, Lucas calms down fully.

"What if..." he mutters mindlessly.

"What if what?" I reply.

"What if, what if, what if," he repeats over and over. "What if this, what if that, what I can't or you can't or we can't. What if..."

"Lucas, you're starting to freak me out."

"What if I didn't? What if I couldn't? What if we can't?"

"I don't understand."

"What if you did?"

"Lucas, you're not making any sense. What's wrong with you?"

"It's all I can think about now, Noah. What if, what if, what if! It's all I think about! It's like I know nothing, and my brain is compensating by guessing what could happen that would go terribly wrong."

"You're overthinking again."

"I know but I can't stop! I wish i could but i can't!"

"What do you thinks going to happen? Tell me, and let me worry and overthink for you."

Lucas exhales tightly. He drops his head and fiddles with the blanket on his hospital bed. "I'm afraid I won't recover right. I-I'm afraid I can't get over his hump, like this accident will always follow me."

"That's worse than I thought it would be." I mutter solemnly. "But, listen," i change my tone, trying to sound positive. "Everything will be okay. No matter what happens, I will be there for you. I'll be by your side every step of the way, okay?"

Lucas mumbles something that I don't understand.


"Promise me you won't leave me alone when things get tough. Promise you'll always be my friend, no matter what happens to either of us."

I stare at him for a second. He's shaking, staring deeply into my eyes. I smile at him, trying to ease his anxiety. Then, I take a deep breath.

"I promise."

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