Chapter 7

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Noah's POV (A/N: I told you I'd change POV)

Holding Lucas in my arms as he cries, I search my brain for what could be wrong with him. He doesn't talk about the things he's always thinking about, so how could I know? Besides, I only met him this week, I can't pick around in his life.

I shush him as he sobs, and, after a while, his crying dies down. He pulls away from me, wiping his eyes, refusing to look at me.

"I'm so sorry," he says after a moment of silence. "I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't be thinking like that."

"Thinking like what?" I ask without skipping a beat, hoping he'll answer me.

"So... so negatively. So unhappily. I have nothing to complain or cry about, people have it worse than I do."

"Don't apologize. You can't help the way you feel, Lucas, and comparing your pain to other people's is a terrible way to deal with it."

"No, it's a logical way to deal with it. Some people don't have any family members. Some people don't have a house, or get to go to school, or get to grow up for gods sake, and I'm crying because my mommy isn't home with me. It's pathetic. I'm pathetic."

"Stop that. Right now. You're not pathetic, and sure, some people have worse problems, but that doesn't make your emotions--your pain--any less real."

"I should go." He states, standing up and turning around.

"I'll walk with you." I reply. He looks at me like he wants to protest, but doesn't. We walk through the woods--weaving through the trees and over the stream--in silence. Lucas doesn't look at me. Not once.

I look at him, though.

I look at his sad, tear stained face. I look at his messy, light brown hair. I look at his shining green eyes, levelled down to watch his steps.

I shame myself in the crush, being that I've only just met him, and he probably could never think of me that way, but I find comfort in not knowing his sexuality, that way, when we're together, I can pretend that maybe I have a shot.

I climb over the fence first and put my hand out to help him. He takes it reluctantly and I help him climb over. He thanks me quietly, and we continue our walk.

Finally, I try and break the silence with humour.

"Wanna hear the best pick up line ever?" I ask, nudging my shoulder against his playfully. I see his lips twitch upwards, but he shakes his head.

"I don't think so." He says solemnly.

"Come on, you'll have every girl, guy and aquatic creature fawning over you." I pry with a grin. Finally, Lucas's face forms a small smile, and he nods.

"Fine, but it better be good." He says quietly, like his voice isn't ready to joke around yet. I smile widely at his reply and clear my throat. I stop him and try to keep a straight, mock-seductive face. I take his hand in mine and he chuckles lightly.

"Girl, you from McDonald's, 'cause I'm loving in." I recite, just as I had seen it on Pinterest, but we don't have to tell Lucas about that.

To my pleasure, Lucas laughs his regular, upbeat laugh. We keep walking and I let go of his hand. The smile never leaves either of our faces. "Ok ok," Lucas says, "I got one."

"Will it top mine?" I retort cockily.

"Nothing can."

"Than what's the point?"

"The point is, shut up and let me tell you my pick up line." He speaks in mock-annoyance. He changes his tone though, and flashes me a seductive smile as he says, "Girl, do your feet hurt, cause you've been running around my mind all day."

I put a hand to my forehead and pretend to be weak at the knees. "Beautiful! Amazing!" I praise.

"Why thank you." He does a playful bow.

"The execution was the best part." I say honestly, but with a jokey grin so he won't take me seriously. "If I had that smile I wouldn't be single." I add a sarcastic tone, because when I had a large group of guy friends, compliments like that got me picked on.

"Ok, Prince Charming, show me how to pick up a partner."

"What was that song they sang on Glee?" I say without a thought.

"Oh no, stereotypes!"

"Hey, just because I'm a gay teenaged boy who watches Glee doesn't mean--yeah I'm totally a stereotype." I laugh, and so does Lucas. "Seriously what was the song?"

"How should I know, you're not giving me any hints!"

"Mike and Tina sang it on Valentine's Day."

"Oh! Wait, I actually know what you're talking about!"

"Yeah, what song is that?"

"Uh..." Lucas starts to hum as he thinks, probably trying to figure out the lyrics to go with the tune. Slowly, I pick up and the lyrics pop into my brain.

"'L' is for the way you look at me," I sing, walking backwards and snapping the beat. Lucas laughs and joins in, his singing a million times softer than mine. "'O' is you're the only one for me,
'V' is very very, extraordinary,
'E'..." I stop at 'E', and so does Lucas.

"I wonder what that says." He says thoughtfully. I chuckle.

"There actually isn't words there." I joke.

"That's where the song ends." Lucas continues. "You're good, by the way." He says sincerely.

"Good at..?"

"Singing. I wish I could sing like you."

"I think you have a beautiful voice." I say sheepishly before I can stop myself. Lucas's eyes widen, but he says nothing to me.

There's an awkward moment of silence before I speak up. "Come to my house." I say. Lucas looks hesitant, but nods.

We walk back to my house and up to my room. Lucas looks around. He's been in my room once before, but he wasn't in for long before we went back downstairs.

He wanders over to an old photo of me and the rest of the guys from the basketball team. Pain pangs in my chest every time I see that picture, but I don't have the heart to take it down, praying one day everyone will accept me for who I am.

Lucas smiles as he looks at the old photo of me. I was so happy in that picture.

"Are these the guys you told me about?" He asks, his smile faltering.

"Yeah," i mumble.

"You look happy in this. When was it taken?"

"Uh... we had just won our championship. Scotty--the little guy on the right--he got the final basket. He took us all out for pizza afterwards. We were so proud of that win. We wore the medals for months." I chuckle at the memory, but look down sadly, tears in my eyes. "He was my best friend, and the first to turn on me when he found out."

Lucas moves away from the picture to sit beside me. "Why?"


"Why did they leave?" Lucas's eyes are filled with genuine curiosity and innocence. I exhale.

"B-because I'm gay." I reply, trying to keep my voice steady when the sadness pushes on my chest.

"I know. Why would they leave because you're gay?"

"B-because they... t-they couldn't... they wouldn't have..."

"Exactly," Lucas blurts, "they had no reason to go. They had no purpose in running off and bailing on you because of your sexuality."

"It's not that simple--"

"But it is, that's the funny part. You like guys, big deal! Who cares, you could be into tractors for all I care, you're still human, and they have no right to have treated you that way." His voice is filled with passion, sincere belief in what he says. Without a seconds hesitation, I pull him into a hug. It takes him a second to hug back, but he does.

"Thank you," I whisper, trying not to strain my shaky voice, "so much."

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