Chapter 3✓

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Lucas's POV

"Hello?" I hear my mom on the other line.

"Hey, Noah wants to know if I can sleep over," I say cautiously. She doesn't hesitate.

"Sure, sweety, have fun."

Without another word, she hangs up. I stare at my phone sadly. I was hoping for a different answer. It's not that I don't like Noah, it's just that I thought my mom would care about who I'm staying with.

I walk back into the living room where Noah is.

"My mom said yes," He says with a grin, "what about yours?"

"We're good to go," I reply, exhaling and placing a smile on my face.

"Perfect. It's time for the true sleepover experience!" He says excitedly. "I haven't had someone over in forever."

"Why not? Do you not invite your friends over?"

"It's not that, I just haven't had anyone over."

"Why not?" I sit beside Noah on the couch and wait for him to tell me, just as he had done with me.

"Well, I used to be on the basketball team, so I used to have them up all the time." He pauses and sighs, "but they're not my friends anymore."

"Why not?"

"You're filled with questions, aren't you?" Noah says, almost irritatedly, but he continues anyway. "One night, they were up to my house, and it was late, and we were playing truth or dare and... and I ended up telling them something I shouldn't have, and they left. They beat me up the next day in school and now they only talk to me to spit insults at me."

"What did you tell them?" Noah hesitates, and for a second I think he's not going to tell me, so I continue, "I promise I won't leave, or make fun of you, no matter what it is." Noah looks away from me at that, and my heart swells. "You didn't kill anyone, did you?" I joke, nudging his shoulder. Noah laughs and turns back to me.

"I-I told them... I'm gay." He drops his eyes to the floor, pain flooding his face like I slapped him. "I understand if you want to leave now."

"Why would I want to leave?"

"B-because... because--"

"Because you're gay? Why does it matter? You could be a rabbit for all I care."

Noah looks up on me, a hopeful look on his face. "Really?"

"Yeah, really."

He lets out a relieved sigh. "Thank you," He says. "And, just so you know, I'm also a rabbit."

"A homosexual rabbit. Huh, that's the first time I've ever heard that."

"We're quite rare."

I laugh, and so does Noah. I don't know exactly what he expected me to do when he told me, but he's obviously happy I didn't do it.

He orders pizza and sets up something to watch. When the pizza gets here, he pulls me upstairs, throwing me a pair of pajamas to wear.

"Is it a requirement to wear pajamas?" I ask as he pushes me into the bathroom to change.

"Yes! It's part of the experience! As well as eating sick amounts of food and staying up all night, so I hope you're hungry and that you like coffee."

"I've never had it."

Noah gives me a look, and then he goes back to his usual wide grin. "I love that. You're like an alien, it's so cool to show you all this stuff."

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