Chapter 6

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Lucas's POV

Sunday morning. The day I've been dreading has finally arrived.

My first Sunday without my mom.

I trudge downstairs, not bothering to get dressed out of my pajamas. I grab a random bag of chips out of the cupboard and plop onto the couch, throwing on a random television show.

Not minutes after I'm sat down, Noah texts me.

Noah🐦: hey friend.

Lucas🐔: hi.

Noah🐦: you seem glum.

Lucas🐔: I just said "hi".

Noah🐦: it was a glum "hi".

Lucas🐔: how can a "hi" be glum?

Noah🐦: idk you make it glum.
Noah🐦: anyway, what are you up to today?

Lucas🐔: nothing, really. Just being glum.

Noah🐦: come over! My families home but if we don't mess with them they won't mess with us.

Lucas🐔: I don't know, I'd prefer to stay home today.

Noah🐦: but whyyy?
Noah🐦: I'm all bored and stuff and there are annoying people all around me.
Noah🐦: you need to balance out the bad kinda weird with the good kinda weird.

Lucas🐔: maybe later. I just woke up.

Noah🐦: ugh ok then, just text me before you get here, okay?

Lucas🐔: okay.

I drop my phone back down, not paying attention to what's on tv or anything around me, not even allowing myself to think.

After who knows how long of staring at an empty space on the wall, my phone rings. I pick it up and check caller ID. It's mom!

I immediately answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi Lucas, I'm really sorry but I don't think I can make it home tomorrow." She says, sounding surprisingly well rested compared to when she's home.

"What? Why not?"

"Something's came up, Im really really sorry baby. I'll try to make it home Tuesday, alright."

"I-I guess."

"Don't be sad, baby. Have some fun with that new friend of yours. Noah, was it?"

"H-how did you know?"

"You think I don't listen when you talk? And besides, all you do is call and text him, the names popped up before." She chuckles lightly.

"You're sure you can't come home earlier?"

"I'm sure sweety, I'm really sorry."

"I know. It's ok, it's not your fault."

"I love you Lucas."

"I love you too."



We hang up at the same time. I lay my phone beside me and throw my head black, exhaling and stringing an arm over my eyes.

I need to get out. Go somewhere. I need to quit focusing solely on bad things are appreciate the good things. It's not fair to think of my own problems, when other people have worse ones to deal with.

I get up and grab my phone, marching upstairs and changing out of my pajama pants, throwing a random sweater over my old t-shirt.

I stride downstairs and pull on my boots, grabbing the keys and leaving the house. I lock the door behind me, but have to give thought to exactly where I am in such a rush to go.

I walk in the same direction Noah dragged me the other day. I find the old fence, hopping over it with a little more difficulty then before, but before, I had Noah's hand to steady me.

I march through the woods until I hear the stream we climbed over before. The log is still there, so I walk across it. I lead myself in the same direction Noah lead me while my eyes were closed until I hear more rushing water. I run, the sound getting clearer, so I wonder how I didn't hear it when he first brought me here.

Finally, I find it. I sit down in front of it and admire the fish. They pass me swiftly, elegantly, like I don't exist. Like all there is is water--all over earth--and them.

I find myself talking.

"Why do some people like being alone?" I ask them, not expecting an answer. "I understand when you need time to think about something important, but in general, why not be with others? Why not spoil yourself with another presence, no matter who it is? A single fish doesn't isolate themselves because it finds some kind of amusement in loneliness. So why is it fair that other animals have to? And unintentionally. Out of their control they are forced to be alone with their thoughts, pushing them out of their head because they never knew they could feel that way. Because they never thought that was who they were. Because, maybe, they don't truly know themselves, and they don't want to. So, tell me, why be alone?"

"Sometimes, people are exhausting. Confusing. Frustrating." A voice booms behind me. I whip around to find Noah, leaned against a tree, watching me. "I thought I'd find you here." He says matter-of-factly.

"Why did you come find me?" I retort, turning around to stare at the water once again.

"For someone who was just immersed in a conversation with fish, I expect you'd be happier to see me." He says simply and I can hear the smirk in his voice. "Besides, you dropped this." I turn around to look and he throws something into my hands. My phone.

"I didn't realize I dropped it." I mutter.

"Obviously. You dropped it at the fence, probably while you were climbing over it."

"Thank you." I turn around again.

"So, why ask?"


"Why ask such a personal question to fishes if you don't really want the answer?

"I do want the answer. What makes you think I don't?"

"You're here alone, aren't you? Even after an invitation to spend time with other people was extended."

"I'm sorry I didn't come to your house," I say sincerely, "I said I would and I should have. I have no excuse."

"Don't be so hard on yourself," he walks over and sits beside me, watching the water like I am instead of me. "You needed time."


"You seem to have a lot on your mind all the time." Noah clarifies. "It's like, you're never relaxed. Always moving. Not physically, but emotionally. Up and down, never settling."

"You got a lot from a conversation with a fish."

"It's not that. It's you. You're like that, Lucas. You're always changing. It's like you never find any enjoyment, and if you do, you always have something else, another mountain to climb before you can be happy."

I say nothing. I look further away from Noah.

"You don't have to tell me anything, Lucas, but at least tell me if you're ok."

I look up at Noah, and the second our eyes meet, I begin to cry. He pulls me into a hug without hesitation and shushes my sobbing gently.

The truth is, I'm not ok, and I don't know why.

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