Chapter 10

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Noah's POV

I watch Scotty carefully as he scans my room. He casually admires the things in my room, as if he hasn't been here before.

"So," he says, looking at the same old photo or the basketball team that Lucas was looking at on Sunday, "you like him?"

"Who?" I reply.

Scotty turns around to face me. "Don't seem so innocent. Lucas. You like him."

"So what if I do? Why do you care?"

"I don't." Scotty snaps, then quickly ditches his anger, his eyes softening. "I care about you, not who you like."


Scotty moves closer to me, sitting next to me on my bed so close I can hear his heartbeat. "Noah, I've been thinking about you a lot lately, and honestly, I can't do it anymore."

"Do what?" I say, trying to lean away from him. Scotty doesn't seem to notice my discomfort.

"I can't lie to myself. I can't lie to you."

"Scotty, you're not making any sense."

"Oh, but I am." He says surely. "I think I'm in love with you, Noah."

My lips part slightly at the news. I hop off the bed, standing far away from Scotty, while keeping myself in my little room. "Pardon?"
I back up towards the open door, but Scotty seems to think I'm leaving.

He rushes in front of me, closing the door and pressing me up against it. "Just listen to me Noah--"

"I think I misheard you earlier," I push him off me, backing away. "Repeat what you said."

"I love you--"

"No no no no no, you see, that is impossible."

"How? You don't believe you're worth love?"

"No, it's not that, it's you, Scotty. You are in love with me." My mouth is dry saying the sentence. "What happened to beating me up? What happened to calling me princess and faggot because I like guys, hm? Did all of that just disappear?"

"Of course it didn't, I can't take back what I said--"

"Or what you did."

"--but I can tell you, I didn't mean it." Scotty takes a step towards me. I step away. "I love you Noah. Some part of me always has. I went along with what the guys were doing because I didn't want them to turn on me, and I knew if i took your side, I'd be pummelled. It kept me up for nights, trying to decide whether or not to step in when you came out."

"You knew?"

"Of course I knew! The whole team knew, they just thought you were going to play it off!"

"They knew I was gay and still wanted to be my friend because I was still in the closet?!"

"I know, it's ridiculous, I don't understand why they did it but--"

"Does this mean you're gay?" I ask, cutting him off with my abrupt question. Scotty gulps.

"I think so."

"Do you think or do you know?!"

"I know!"

I fall silent. Scotty stares at me longingly. "Noah," he says, "I love you with all my heart. Please, forgive me, and maybe we--"

"Don't finish that sentence!" I order, "get the hell out of my house!"


"Get out!"

"Noah... I thought you'd be the one person who'd accept me for who I am."

"It's not because you're gay, Scotty. I'm telling you to get out because I can't trust you. Because you lied either now or then, and now you're begging for my forgiveness. Get. Out. Of. My. House!"

"Fine, I'll leave, but I'm not giving up on you. I swear, I will have your hand in mine one day."

I say nothing. Scotty leaves my room, and I hear the door downstairs slam shut. I grab my phone, suddenly in need of Lucas's voice.

Noah🐦: Lucas I need you.
Message delivered.
Noah🐦: Lucas Im serious, I need you.
Message delivered.
Noah🐦: Lucas, answer me!
Message delivered.

I call him.
No answer.
I call him again.
No answer.

Noah🐦: Lucas! Where are you?!
Message delivered.

Noah🐦: Lucas please!!!
Message delivered.

Noah🐦: I need you...
Error: Message could not be sent.

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