Chapter 16

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Noah's POV

Lucas finally gets called out of the room, being told that they have his test results. The same nurse as before helps him into a wheelchair and wheels him away. I sit in the chair beside his bed, waiting for him.

Lucas's POV

Zach wheels me down the hallway.

"Nervous?" He asks.

"Is it that obvious?" I reply with a strong breath.

"Well, you're shaking so much that it's hard to control the chair, but other than that, I can barely tell."

"Sorry, I'm just really worried about these tests. I've never been through anything like this, so it's really scary."

"I bet. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

"I've heard that so often, but honestly, it might not be."

"Still, it's nice to say."

"Maybe for you. For me it's false hope, because I probably won't get better. It's a chance, isn't it? And you act like it isn't."

"I'm sorry."

"Me too. I don't mean you in general, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I know. But sorry is nice to say as well."

I smile. Zach wheels me over to an office, opening the door and bringing me up to the desk. Before he leaves, he whispers "there's a chance everything will be okay."

I chuckle and nod. Zach leaves. After a second, the same doctor from when I had my tests done walks in. I remember him as Dr Kent. I begin to bite my nails nervously. Dr Kent gives me a gentle smile and sits in front of me at the other side of the desk. He opens a file and looks it over before addressing me.

"How are you today, Lucas?" He asks casually.

"Fine, I guess." I mumble.

"Don't be scared," he tells me kindly, "you'll be okay."

"I will?" I ask, not letting myself get happy, expecting a "but."

"Yes, well there is one thing..." well, it wasn't a "but", but it was close. "There was some internal damage from the accident. I recommend surgery."

"'Recommend', like I don't have to, or 'recommend' like, if I don't like life I don't have to?"

"A little in between, I'd say." I groan. Dr Kent continues. "It's a simple surgery. I've done it a million times before. We can have you done tonight and up and away in a day or two."

"Will it hurt?"

"Not during, but you may feel sore afterwards."

"I'll be out in a day or two?"


I contemplate it. I was too scared to get cavities filled when I was young, what will happen when people try to cut into me?

Besides, I don't know anything about this surgery. I don't even know which part of me they're gonna chop into.

But, I'll be out in two days. Sooner than I had thought.

I look up at the doctor and finally get the guts to push out words.

"Lets do it."


Noah's POV
(A/N: while Lucas is talking to Dr Kent.)

I leave the room after Lucas is gone, going into the waiting room. I find Tristen and Connor, sitting side by side. Connor looks rattled, his hands covering his face, his elbows on his knees. Tristen is talking to him, repeating one thing over and over again: "it wasn't your fault, I swear it wasn't your fault."

"He's right, you know." I say as I walk over to them. Both of their heads shoot up to look at me. Connor looks tired. He has bags under his eyes and his brown, curly hair is messy and untamed. Tristen, however, looks a little more put together. Then again, he could never go anywhere without spending an hour on his hair and outfit. The first time I saw him without perfectly brushed hair and nice clothes, was at a sleepover at his house. He left his room in the morning, his hair messy, in an old, bleach stained pair of pajamas. I never teased him though, like we usually do with stuff like this, because Tristen is very self conscious about his looks, and I didn't want to hit him where it hurts.

Connor gets up off his chair and runs over, hugging me so tightly he almost knocks me down.

"H-hey Connor." I mutter.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry for what I did to you and what I did to your friend! I'm just so sorry, Noah!" He cries. I put my arms around him, shushing him softly.

"Hey, what happened to Lucas wasn't your fault, and what happened between us is in the past." I say gently. Connor sniffles quietly.

"I can't believe this. I can't believe all of this happened." He says quietly.

"I know. Me neither."

Tristen gets up and stands in front of me, Connor back on to him in my arms.

"How is he?" He asks.

"Nervous. He's getting some test results back from yesterday."

"Oh, poor kid."

"Yeah, he's overthought it to the point of breaking earlier."

"That must've been why he was having a panic attack earlier."


I look down at Connor and then back up at Tristen. Tristen notices Connor, as if this is the first time he's really seen what he's doing, and laughs. I chuckle as well.

"Connor, let him go." Tristen says, pulling on Connors shirt. Connor looks at me, red faced, and rubs the back of his neck.

"Sorry Noah." He says shamefully.

"Don't worry about it." I reply with a smile.

"Looks like Lucas is back." Tristen chimes in, pointing behind me towards Lucas's room. I turn around to see him wheeling himself back into his room.

"Yeah, I should go check with him. Talk to you later, guys." I wave to Tristen and Connor and run off into Lucas's room, praying that everything will be okay.

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