Chapter 12

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Lucas's POV

I open my eyes, terrified at first as I don't know where I am. I take in my surroundings. From the bland white and blue decor and the scrubs I've found myself in, I'm in a hospital room. It's weird, I don't remember getting hurt.

I don't feel any pain, but I see bandages and casts on me everywhere. My whole body seems numb. Feelingless. It's not like the pins and needles of your foot falling asleep, it's like I have no appendages, just a stray mind.

The door opens and a doctor walks in. It's a man. He looks old. His face is tired and wrinkled, his hair a glistening white. He has a clipboard in his hands and a pair of glasses folded up on his pocket.

"Hello, Mr Duggan." The doctor says, not bothering to look up from his clipboard. "I'm happy to see you up so quickly, we never thought you'd survive."

"Do you mind me asking what happened?" I ask sheepishly.

"You were hit by a car." The doctor says as if I should have known. I probably should have.

"How long have I been here?"

"Only a couple hours. We've called your mom, she said she'll be here soon."

"Okay, thank you."

"No problem. How do you feel?"


"You should. You have enough pain killers to take down a bear."

I laugh. The doctor doesn't. "Tell me if you need anything." He says before leaving the room. I sit in silence for a moment before the room door is swung open once again.

Noah runs in in a fit of panic. "Lucas!" He screeches. He runs to my side, fear covering his face. "Are you alright? You look awful!"

"Gee, thanks."

"I'm sorry, I just mean, you look like you're in a lot of pain, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, actually. I'm high on pain killers."

Noah chuckles half-heatedly, his panic only subsiding for sadness and guilt to replace it. "I'm so sorry I kicked you out of my house to talk to Scotty." He says, hanging his head like a scolded puppy.

Noah's POV

"It's fine--" Lucas starts, but I cut him off.

"No it's not. If I hadn't have done that, you wouldn't be here."

"Don't blame yourself. I'm not exactly sure what happened, but I'm pretty sure you're not at fault." Lucas chuckles, but I see nothing to laugh about.

He's in the hospital. He was hit by a car for gods sake, and he's sitting here, laughing it up! He must be crazy, or all those pain killers are affecting his brain.

He notices I'm not laughing and changes his approach. "It's in the past now," he says, "and besides, people have been through worse. At least I'm still able to joke around and smile, right? At least I'm still here."

"Yeah, i don't know what I would have done if you... you know--" Lucas holds up a hand, cutting me off.

"Don't hurt yourself," he laughs, "a world without me would be a sad one, let's leave it at that."

I nod, again not laughing at his joke.

"Come on, lighten up!" He says brightly, "Im the one that got hit by a car, not you!" Lucas smiles at me, his regular bright smile bringing out one in me. "There ya go!" He cheers, "there's that smile I know and love."

I laugh. Only a little, though. I'm still upset, but for the time being, I'll forget about that.


"What do you call an owl who's a butler?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Uh, i don't know, what?" Lucas replies as he had to the last twenty jokes I've told.


We both laugh. Laughing at your own jokes is kinda lame, but that doesn't stop me from doing it. Honestly, I'm a pretty funny guy, how can I not laugh?

"What do you call an owl who's a magician?"

"Do you have an obsession with owls?"

"Answer the question."

"Uh, i don't know, what do you call an owl who's a magician?"


More laughter. It's been hours, and we've spent the whole time telling jokes. The majority have been puns, cause that's the best kind of joke.

"What does an owl say when he's on the hunt?"

"I don't know, what?"

"It's not a matter of when I kill next, but rather hoo."

"These keep getting worse."

"Or better! Don't worry I have another. What does an owl say when he leaves the room?"

"Are these all owl puns?"

"Yes. What does an owl say when he leaves the room?"


"I'm talon you, owl be right back!"

"Two in one."

"What do you call an owl who's often annoyed?"


"Irritable owl syndrome."

"That one was good."

"Thanks. I think I'm out of jokes now, sorry."

"Ah, well you may not be as wise as an owl, but you sure are a hoot to me!"

"Did you just..?"

"I just."

"Well now, you see, you've created a monster. From now on, every card or present I get you, will be related to owls. Get ready for holidays, man, cause you're gonna be stocked with owls."

"Sounds horrific."

"It will be terrific."

"Are we rhyming now?"

"Rhyming? I don't know how."

"Shut up."

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