Chapter 17

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Noah's POV

I walk back into Lucas's room. I found it odd that Lucas wheeled himself into his room when that nurse seemed to be willing and eager to bring him wherever he wanted.

Lucas is still in his wheelchair, sat beside one of two windows in his room, staring out blankly. He doesn't seem to really be looking out, more just making himself look like he is.

I walk over and tap him on the shoulder. He barely acknowledges me at first, but after a while he turns around to look at me.

"So?" I say gently. Lucas sighs.

"Surgery." He replies simply, his voice breaking. I kneel in front of him. His eyes well with tears, but they don't surface on his cheeks right away. "My doctor said it's a simple surgery and that he's done it a million times. I should be out in about a day or two." He sounds positive, but his voice is shaky. He sniffles, staring down at his lap. The tears in his eyes begin to fall down his cheeks. I wipe them away with my thumb.

"Everything will be fine, you know that, the doctor told you that," I say, "it's not just something I'm telling you to make you feel better, it's true. Your recovery is so close now."

"I know, I'm just afraid. I've never had surgery before. The worst time I hurt myself was I broke my nose walking into a wall while reading. It wasn't exactly a tragedy."

"When are you supposed to get the surgery?"

"Tonight. As soon as they can, I guess."

"That's good. You'll be better in no time."

"I know. I'm just nervous."

"I know. Everything will be fine."

"Say it one more time."

"Everything will be fine."

"There we go."

We both laugh. After a while, Zach returns to retrieve Lucas again. I walk out behind him in the hall. He watches me as he's wheeled away, craning his neck awkwardly to see me.

After about ten minutes, my phone rings in my pocket. I pick it up, checking the name first to see it's Scotty. I sigh, but answer it nonetheless.

"Hello?" I say into the phone. I hear a gasp, like he was surprised I picked up.

"Hey," he breaths on the other end. "I didn't think you'd answer."

"Well, I did. What's up?"

"I need to see you."

"Scotty, I don't think--"

"Just, talk to me. Let me see you once and I'll leave you alone forever, I promise."

I exhale heavily, checking the time on the clock in the hospital hallway. Surgeries usually last pretty long. "Fine." I huff.

"Thank you so much!  Meet me at the basketball court outside the school, okay?"


"Thank you. You will not regret this."

"Alright. See you there."


I hang up. I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. I walk into the waiting room, finding Tristen and Connor, now sitting side by side in silence.

"Tristen, would you mind driving me somewhere?" I ask quietly, not wanting to disturb Connor, who's back to covering his face in his hands.

"No problem," Tristen replies quickly. He turns his attention to Connor for a moment, patting him gently on the back. "I'll be right back." He says, then we walk out of the hospital together.

We hop in his truck and set off.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

"I need you to drop me off at the school, if that's okay."

"Sure. Do you mind me asking why?"

"Actually, I do a little."

"Okay, sorry."

"It's fine, it's just, last time I told you something of this nature I was beaten up."

"Oh..." Tristen sighs. "Sorry about that."

"It's cool. It's in the past."

"I meant to ask you about that, how do you forgive so easily? Are you insane? What me and Connor and the whole team did to you was horrible, and all you have to say is 'it's in the past'?!"

"What do you want from me?"

"I don't want anything, I just thought you'd be angry."

"I don't want to be angry at you. I missed you guys, all of you."

Tristen gives a small smile. Barely a smile at all, then he says, "tell me why you're going to the school."

What should be a command, is a kind hearted gesture. I smile in return. "I'm meeting someone there. He... he told me he was in love with me."

"Ah..." Tristen says slowly, "Scotty."

"You know?"

"Yeah. He told me. Told the whole team actually. He told everyone to lay off, be nice to you. It was kinda cute actually."

"Oh," I sigh, "it's awkward, though." I mutter simply.

"Why? You don't like him back?"

"No, not that way. I like someone else."


"Do you know everything?"

"I do my research." Tristen chuckles, "besides, you don't hide it very well."

"Do you think he knows?!" I ask in panic. Tristen laughs.

"No, he's clueless. Just like you."

"Lucas doesn't like me." I say, "he's not gay."

"How do you know? Did you ask?"

"Well... no."

"Then there's your answer."

"But, Scotty--"

"You don't love Scotty, do you?"

"No, but he loves me."

"I know, but you should think about yourself for once, Noah. You're always so kind and generous, and it's amazing, but you need to leave some of that kindness for yourself."

"I guess," I mumble, "but how do I tell him?"

"Just tell him you don't love him." Tristen pats my shoulder as he stops at the school. "Good luck." He says.

"Thanks." I reply.

"Text me when you're done, I'll come pick you up."

"Okay. Thank you."

I hop out of the car and Tristen honks before driving away. I look at the outdoor basketball court to find Scotty standing in the middle of it, hands in his jean pocket nervously.

I walk up to Scotty, approaching him slowly.

"You came." He says happily.

"I said I would." I reply blankly.

"I know, and I'm glad you kept your word." He steps toward me. I step back.

"Scotty, I'm really sorry, but I don't feel that way about you. You're really great, and I want to continue to be friends, but nothing more."

Scotty goes silent for a moment, then he steps toward me again. I don't step away this time. He lays a hand on my cheek then, without warning, he kisses me.

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