Chapter 8

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Noah's POV

"Lucas, I'm not sure about this..." I mutter helplessly as Lucas drags me into school.

"It's fine." He says, sounding sure of himself.

"You're going to get me in trouble!" I protest. "Besides, you really don't want to get on those guys' bad side."

Lucas turns around to face me. "I don't care about getting on their bad side. And if you don't want to get in trouble, do what I told you to, and stay away."

"What's gotten into you? You're acting ridiculous!"

"No, I'm getting revenge." Lucas has a devilish smile on his face. "You just need to point me in the right direction. Where would they be?"


"Just tell me."

I huff. "At the end of the senior wing. That's where most of their lockers are."

"Thank you." Lucas marches down the hall, but, crazily, I find myself following close behind him.

Lucas's POV

"Yo dickheads!" I shout.

"Lucas, lets ditch this." Noah begs behind me. I ignore him.

"Who are you to judge someone on something they can't control?!" I take a large step towards the group of boys. Twelve guys, all way bigger than me, staring daggers into my face.

"Who are you?" One asks with a mischievous smirk. I recognize him from the photo, his shining teeth and douchey haircut standing out from the group.

"None of your business." I spit. One boy steps through the group, a genuine smile on his face. Scotty. But his eyes aren't on me, they're on Noah.

"Noah," he says, stepping towards him, "long time, no see."

Noah steps away from him, almost flinching away from the older boy.

"Don't be scared, I'm just saying hello." Scotty teases. Noah stares down at the floor. I step in front of him.

"Listen to me, if you have a problem with him," I point in Noah's direction. "you have a problem with me."

"Ooh, Noah's called his boyfriend on us." A tall guy hums from the back. I lunge forward, but Noah catches my arm.

"Lucas, quit playing around!" He says sternly.

"Yeah Lucas." The boys mock behind me. I pull my arm out of Noah's grip and lunge at closest boy to me.

I end up tackling Scotty to the ground in a fit of punching and kicking. He throws a punch, smacking me straight in the eye. I don't make a sound and knee him, pulling him off the ground,  throwing him away from me and into a locker. He groans in pain, and soon his lackeys are on me, kicking and shoving and punching anywhere they can reach. I put up a good fight though, kicking them where it hurts to keep them stalled while I take down the ones that are too tall for me to kick.

Scotty gets up and shoves his lackeys away from me. Everyone freezes. He grabs me by the neck and throws me against a locker. Within a second of rising pain, he's on top of me, punching me in the face and stomach. The bell rings and the boys run off, Scotty included, but not before whispering something to Noah.


He shakes violently, eyes wide and tear filled. He runs to my side, kneeling in front of me.

"Lucas," he says desperately, "are you okay?"

I try to nod, but my dizzy head stays stiff. "Yes." I mumble.

"No you're not." He says sadly. "I'll get a teacher--"

"No, don't. I'm fine."

"No you're not. Come on," Noah puts out a hand for me and I take it. He helps me up, not without difficulty, and helps me limp to our first class. "What were you thinking? Do you have a death wish?"

"I thought... I just wanted to help."

"Well, getting yourself killed isn't going to help me out."

"I thought things would go better."

"Well, you thought wrong!" Noah barks. He drags me into the main office and sits me down.

"Noah, I didn't think--"

"You're right, you didn't think, did you? You just went off and did it without thinking about consequences! You scared the shit out of me and you could've gotten really seriously hurt!"

I put my head down, not arguing with him. My whole body aches in pain, and my left eye begins to blur with the swelling.

"You weren't thinking about those guys, you weren't thinking about me, and you weren't thinking about your own well being! You're so inconsiderate and vengeful about something you have no part in!" He yells at me, venom dripping off his words.

"I'm sorry--"

"Save it. I'm going to find a teacher, do not move."

I nod and Noah stomps out of the office. My heart throbs in pain, not physically, but emotionally. Tears form in my eyes and, before I can stop them, they are pouring down my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I snap into attention when I hear a voice above me. I look up to see an adult man in a dress shirt and jeans, his hair greying from what seems like brown.

I sniffle and wipe my eyes. I shake my head simply.

"Come with me, we'll see the nurse." He reaches out an arm to help me up, and I take it. He slings one of my arms around his back to I can lean on him. "Everything will be okay."

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