Chapter 13

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(A/N: sorry if this just came out as chapter 12, it was a glitch.)

Noah's POV

Lucas looks so small in his hospital bed. After a while of joking around, he fell asleep. Before, he said that his mom would be here soon, so I decided to stay with him until his mom gets here.

I sit awkwardly as I wait, not sure what to do. Finally, there's a gentle knock on the room door. It opens a second later, a woman with soft, blue eyes and hair the same colour as Lucas's entering. I guess it's his mom.

"He's asleep." I whisper as she nears him, worry spread across her face. Her head snaps to me, like I frightened her. I stand politely. "Sorry. I'm Noah, you must be Lucas's mom."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Noah." Ms Duggan shakes my hand, then goes back to her son. "What happened? They didn't give me details over the phone."

"Uh, I didn't think I'd be the one to tell you," I say, a nervous chuckle making its way into my voice. Ms Duggan gently moves a piece of Lucas's hair out of his face. "He was hit by a car."

Ms Duggan gasps, and I interrupt her before she says anything else. "But, it wasn't a head-on collision. It was a drunk driver. Lucas was crossing the road and a drunk driver hit a car he was passing in front of and the car hit him."

"Oh my... how is he?"

"He seemed fine when I was talking to him. They have him on a lot of pain killers. He can't feel a thing."

"Good." Ms Duggan sits on the edge of Lucas's bed. "I'm happy you can be there for him, Noah." She says, not looking at me, but at her son. "I'm not around often. He doesn't have anyone other than me, and what can I do for him when I work so much? Anyways, he's grown quite fond of you. He's always smiling around the house, and I can hear you two carrying on over the phone. It's wonderful he finally has someone. Thank you so much."

"Oh, uh, yeah. He's really great, amazing to talk to. I love having him around, so really, I should be thanking him for putting up with me."

She chuckles. She has a similar laugh to Lucas's.

After a while, I feel awkward standing around with his mother while he sleeps, so I say goodbye and turn to leave. That's when I hear a weak voice behind me, beckoning me back.

"Are you leaving?" I turn, seeing Lucas trying to sit up. He looks like he just woke up, which is exactly what he did. He rubs his eyes tiredly.

"Well, yeah. I was going to give you and you're mom some time alone." I reply awkwardly.

"Oh, okay... I'll talk to you later then."

"Of course. Don't worry, this isn't the last you'll be hearing of me." I smirk and Lucas gives me a smile back. "Bye."


And I then, I left.


The next day, I'm back to Lucas's hospital room, right after school. I knock in a rhythmic tune. I hear Lucas quietly laugh before muttering, "come in."

I walk into the room, closing the door behind me.

"Hey." I greet with a smile. Lucas beams back at me.

"Hello." He replies cheerily.

"You're awful cheery for someone in a hospital bed." I point out. Lucas chuckles.

"What's to be upset about? I'm drugged up, I have no boring schoolwork, and I have excellent company."

I give him a lopsided smile, one eyebrow raised. "You're awfully nice today."

"I'm always nice."

"Yes, but not this nice. What's up?"

Lucas exhales heavily. He looks down for a second in thought, then looks back up to me. "You know what one of the first things the doctor said to me when I woke up here? 'We never thought you'd survive.' And I didn't even know what had happened. An experience like that opened my eyes to something."

"Which is..?"

"I should appreciate the people I care about while I can."

"That's a good way to be."

"Positivity is the best way to recover quickly. Thinking negatively will just leave me sad and immobile."

"Is that a science?" I ask mockingly.

"Well, positivity and happiness does have some healing properties, so yes, I guess it is." Lucas replies, a smug look on his face. I laugh.

"Fair enough. So, what's on the agenda today, lil Lukey?"

"One; lets not make ''lil' Lukey' a thing. Two; I'll do whatever you want, i don't care."

"I have more jokes!"

"If they're about owls I don't want to hear them."

"Okay, then we need a new plan."

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