Chapter One: Hello

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  • Dedicated to All Elavan and Victorious Fans

Beck Oliver

"Come on, Tori, were gonna be late!" I yell to her outside as she was getting ready for school.

It's our first day this school year since we've became a couple a few months ago.

It's kinda difficult for me now that this relationship thing is getting me nowhere. Again.

It's not that I don't love her, It's just our relationship kinda bores me.

She is the most popular girl and I'm the most popular guy. Everybody thinks were perfect, but I thinks it's too perfect.

You know like when you bought your favorite video game and you play it everyday because you want it but you get bored afterwards for playing the exact same thing over and over, just like me and my past relationships.

She's too perfect for a girlfriend but I'm afraid I may get bored of her because our relationship is too easy. Easy is boring.

"In a minute, I'll be down in a second." she said for the third time.

Well she is beautiful, she can act and she can sing.

As for me I like to act and sing too but I always want to be a director someday cause my parents are both directors but me and my folks don't get a long so I live myself in a RV.

"Okay I'm here, let's go." she said as she get into my car.

"I can believe it took you over an hour just to get ready." I mumble.

"Of course I have to look good for Sikowitz to his new play he wrote, You are auditioning with me right?" she asked.

"Yeah sure, So I heard that you quit cheerleading because of this?" I asked.

"Yeah you know so I could finally follow my dream to be an actress someday and because of what happen last school year." she said. She doesn't want to talk about what happen last year.

To be honest I seen her act and she's really good. I'm actually the one who told her that she has potential to be an actress. So is Sikowitz.

"Oh, are you sure about auditioning?" I ask.

"Are saying that I'm not ready?" she pouted.

"I didn't say that." I smirk so she would think I'm just teasing her.

"So what's Tori going to do this year?" I ask again to cheer her up.

"Well, since you ask, first pass the audition and maybe spending more time with you since were not in the same class as always." she answered silently in that part.

"I really hope we could have a part in Sikowitz play, So we could get closer and to know each other more, We only just became a couple." she said sarcastically while I parked the car.

I rather be with Andre and Robbie but their too busy to be bother so I'm stuck with Tori then. It's not like I hated it its just those two are acting weird when Sikowitz announced the New Play he's producing on.

"Hey, Beck, Can you pick me up before lunch so we could practice?" she asked.

"Sure, I'll just text you later." I said while I get my things in my locker.

As I walk her to her classroom, some of the students starts running in our direction.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"She's coming!" they said.

"Who's coming?" I asked again .

"Jade is coming, Thank God were not classmate this school year." Tori said in relief.

"Jade Who?" I said but the bell begans to ring.

"Whoops gonna be late, bye Tori." I then kiss her and run to the hallways.

I really have no time. I need to go to Sikowitz class because Andre said that he needs my help. I hope its not finding him a girl to date, again. Seriously, so what can attract girls because of my charm. Doesn't mean I can control them.

Well actually some of them are easy to charm like the time I found Robbie a Valentine date but bailed afterwards after finding out that I'm not the one she's dating and the time when I find Andre a girlfriend.

I'm not their cupid is what I said to them but they always come back to me when they need me.

When I look at my phone, Andre texted me.

Hey Beck, Can I talk to you after lunch. Sorry, can't make it today. I'm gonna be late to his class today.

Great, I just leave Tori behind because of him. What a great friend he is. I will never understood how were still friends.

As I texted him back I accidentally bumped someone.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." I apologize but she doesn't look happy about it.

"Don't you dare pity me!" she shouted.

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