Chapter 7

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Since my twelve-week check up, Jaelyn and I have been talking a lot about names. It'll either be two boys or two girls. I was curious to find out, but I was spending most of my time hiding my belly from my parents. When I looked at other women's twin bellies, I realized that my belly was smaller than most. It was still hard to keep my almost-twenty-week belly under wraps, though. I knew I'd be telling my parents soon. I'd had quite a few close calls, and I couldn't risk it much longer. Plus, I knew I needed to relieve myself of the stress.

"When are you going to tell your parents?" Jaelyn asked me the night before my twenty-week check up, filming me.

"I think I'm going to tell them tomorrow after my check up. I' m going to come home and make cupcakes with either blue or pink icing in the middle, then I'll put on a slip of paper 'You're getting granddaughters/grandsons' or 'You're getting nieces/nephews.' I think I'll put the slip of paper underneath the cupcake inside the foil. I'm sort of excited about it. I can't keep the secret much longer. It's hard," I explained my plan to Jaelyn.

"And what about Logan? How are you going to tell him?" She asked.

"Jae," I just stared at her. She was still filming. "Please..."

"Okay, I won't bug you anymore. But you do have names picked out? Two for either gender, right?" She wondered.

"Yes, I do. But don't ask, because I'm not telling until I find out the gender," I smirked.

"Awe," Jaelyn jokingly whined a little.

"You'll find out tomorrow, Jae, when my parents find out."

"Okay," she agreed before shutting off the camera.

It was a Friday night, so Jaelyn was staying over at my house. Tomorrow, we'd tell my parents that we were going to the mall, but we would be going to my checkup. For most of the night, we talked about the babies. Jaelyn kept begging me to tell her the names I'd picked out, and I kept refusing.

For most of the night, I had my bedroom door locked, even after my parents had gone to bed. I left my shirt off that night because it was more comfortable that way. Plus, I liked lying my hands on my stomach and feeling it, knowing there were identical twins in there. It was an amazing feeling. Jaelyn told me that she was just waiting for the moment when the babies kicked.

The next morning, November 15, my parents bought that we were going to the mall. Jaelyn, as always, drove me to the doctor's office. When we got there, Claire asked me how I was keeping my belly from my family because I was getting so big.

"I'm telling them this afternoon, and I'm revealing the gender to them as well," I told her.

"Well, that's good, because you wouldn't be able to go much longer without someone being able to tell. I'm surprised you've been able to go this long," Claire chuckled as she set up the sonogram.

Jaelyn began filming as she always did. She asked me, "What do you think you're having? Boys or girls?"

"I'm not quite sure. I don't exactly have a guess," I shrugged.

"I think you're going to have girls. I can see you and Log with two little girls," she told me what she thought.

"I can see myself having girls, but I think it might be boys. That's what I'm guessing. We'll see who's right in a minute or so."

After Claire had the sonogram set up, she began to move the wand across my stomach. She looked at me, then at Jaelyn and the camera.


I arrived back at my house with Jaelyn not too long after that. We worked together to bake five cupcakes. We really only needed three for Mum, Dad, and Noah, but Jaelyn and I wanted cupcakes, too.

Secretly Pregnant (Sequel to "Where's My Daddy?") | L.R.HWhere stories live. Discover now