Chapter 24

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I apperated with a deathly weak Luna in my arms. She was so light I was not even sure she weighed anything anymore.

I landed in the living room of our house, "Astoria!" I screamed.

Very quickly Astoria and Hermione ran into the room.

"Get water in both a glass and a bucket. Now." Astoria said to Hermione.

Once I placed Luna on the couch Astoria looked up to me. "Don't just stand there, summon a house elf and get her some food."

"Wha- uh." I mumbled then simply snapped my fingers to call a elf.

"Yes master?" One of the elfs said cheerfully.

"Can you bring some soft foods? She is not very strong right now." I asked.

"Yes sir," the elf said and left in a flash.

"Blaise! Stop doing nothing! I told you to work." Astoria growled.

"I'm back!" Hermione said with a glass of water in one hand and a bucket in the other.

"Hermione put the bucket on the floor next to me, get some rags for her wounds. Grab the healing potions box while your there."

I watched Hermione dart off and figured I should do the same. Astoria gets scary when she's working on someone.

I began walking up to my room grabbing some sweat pants and a old shirt to give to Luna. This would keep her thin body warm. I made my way back down stairs to see Asty, doing her thing.

Hermione ran about completing commands and tasks given to her.

Ginny was running around making sure Luna was still responding as Astoria worked on her. She was talking to her keeping her awake something about wackspurts. At least I think that is how it is pronounced.

Pansy was tending to Luna's head wounds, and placing a wet cloth on her.

"Will that not make her colder?" I asked Pansy.

"The cold rag is a form of comfort, and it helps keep her body from over working its self again. She has not had much food so her organs begin to shut down to conserve energy. Not only that there is clear signs of trama from her emotions on just being held. The towel is kind of like a calming hand to make her feel better." Pansy explained.

"Do you have any idea what happened to her Blaise?" Hermione asked as she passed through the room again.

"Draco is the only one who knows, and he is doing something else at the moment." I began to explain.

"What is he doing?" Hermione said suddenly dropping the basket full of food she was holding. A juice of some kind spilled all over the rug staining it, yet Hermione didn't make any moves to to clean it up. She held a scared look on her face as if her heart was stopped.

"He is fighting for Luna, on the death eater front." I explained.


"He is going to get justice for her, and make sure the people will pay for what they have done to her. So we need to get her back to health so his work isn't for nothing."

She stood there, a shaken look on her face. Contemplating if this all is really worth it.

I know that look very well.

Because that was Draco every moment she was gone.

The fear that the other will never come back is overwhelming to even imagine.

It has brought the strong Gryffindor princess, the one who was always correct. So sure of all her actions. So perfect in every way and she knew it.

This war, and this love she shares with my best friend has brought her to her knees.

And honestly, if ether of them lose the other I have no doubt in my mind they will make the world fall to its knees and pay for the loss.

Hermione looked up to me, pain and worry etched into her eyes but she stopped shaking, "I am ready to help." She said quietly.

"Glad to have you with us Granger." Pansy said, referring back to the old nicknames in her stressed state.

"We can do this," Astoria said happily, "I have her stable already."

"What would that mean?" Ginny asked.

"All that is left is to let her battle it on her own and keeping her comfortable." Astoria said.

"Asty take first shift, I'll be after you. Then Gin you will watch over her."

"Okay." Ginny said happily.

"I'll be after Ginny." Pansy said happily.

"Hermione." I said calmly.


"You want to take watch after Pansy?"

She held her fear in her eyes still. Her body conveyed the message loud and clear. She was scared. "Yes." She said boldly. "I can do it."

(I'm sorry it is shorter than normal, I kinda got a really bad sunburn and it's hard to type. -Rev)

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