Chapter 30

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It had been a few days since we learned of Daphne and Umbridges plot. Astoria assured us that Daphne would fix it and so far it has been fixed. Voldemort was outraged when Daphne said she lied and gave her two crucios as punishment. Umbridge on the other hand... She was not let off as easily.

Infuriated for trying to undermine him and cause him to lose his best death eater she was given a punishment that was served for slaves.

She was chained and given little to no food.

This lasted for two weeks with her losing most of her weight till she was but only skin and bones.

Now she really hated us.

Now we are really in trouble.

It's time to bring in my spy, just to see what she is doing.

I grabbed some parchment and summoned my owl, he will help us greatly in this.

Theo always knows how to help.



I received a letter from Draco, I knew it was going to happen.

Once Umbridge was off her stance she began plotting to end him.

She began by rallying the lower class death eaters, the ones more likely to turn on him.

Little did she know I was put here for a reason, I am given the pay of an elite but the work of a low class.

And I was hand picked by my friend to do this mission, the one others would never want to take.

I am the snitch.

I moved to the room with all of my files.

A large metal cabinet held three drawers each one with a different name.




I opened the first one to skim through her files.

Everything is here from all of her rules for hogwarts, to her current plans.

That reminds me, hogwarts should be opening soon. I think it will be time to go back.

Something tells me that things are about to get interesting there and Umbridge is the cause of it.

I grab some parchment from my stationary and a pen, I think this will make the dark lord very happy.

I called Silver over and tied the letter to her leg.

I think Draco may be a little mad but thats okay, he should have expected it from me.

Now to work on Umbridges case, this is going to be fun.

I pulled out the most recent addition of the information, which happened only a day after her punishment ended.

One of the new editions talked told me about her trying to convince them Draco is a traitor.

Of course she is fighting a battle Draco has already won that will not stop her.

A few have begun listening to her and starting to believe her.

If more do it can be bad news for my family.

Draco is at the top to protect us from Voldemort. Blaise is there to protect the girls. Pansy protects the house. Astoria protects the people. I am here, to protect Draco. Because if anything happens I would have known about it at least two days before. How else can all of his plans be full proof, though I admit Blaise is a genius at strategy I am the one who finds everything out. I found out that it was Neville who arranged the attack on Hermione after all. Oh right I didn't tell them that, oh well they will figure it out later.

I also wonder how much longer Astoria is going to put off the fact she lost the baby?

I pick up one of Asty's many letters to me, this one was about that.

I don't know what I am going to do will he be mad at me? What if he likes someone else now that he is back over there? What if he really does love Hermione after all and leaves me alone. I am so worried Theo what should I do?

I still don't know what to tell her, I wish I could make all of her problems go away like the people we don't like. But I do know one thing, I will be seeing her soon and I can do so much more with her than I ever can in the shadows.

She is who I need to protect. Because I love her, its just what you do for the people you love.

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