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{(Y/n) POV}

'I am here for Relyn Shavt.' The guard looked at me with narrowed eyes. 'The Redguard, eh? What could you possibly want from him?' 'He is an old friend. I want to see him.' The soldier gazed at the pouch at my belt. 'How much is it worth to you?' I reached out for the leather bag, pulling out some septims. 'Ten.' He tilted his head. 'Nah, there is way more in there than that.' 'Fifteen.' 'How about twenty?' I chewed on the inside of my cheek, trying to hold back the anger welling up in my chest. 'Fine.' I gave him the said amount of money and brushed past him, but I was stopped in my tracks by his strict voice. 'Stop there. We first need to search you for weapons. And that little wolf in your arms isn't allowed in here.' 'But he is my pet.' 'There is no space for pets in here.' I bit my tongue and turned back to the guard, handing him the animal. 'Anything else, officer?' 'Yes, do you have anything on you that can cause any harm to anyone?' I pulled a dagger from my belt and gave it to him. 'Lockpicks?' I shook my head. 'No officer.' I answered, a bit too loud to be believable. I closed my eyes as he nodded towards another guard, who walked up to me. 'I will place this mutt outside, you can get him after your little visit.' I felt the Imperial guard's hands roaming over my body as the Stormcloaks had done a few days before and I had to swallow the lump in my throat away to prevent myself from crying in fear. 'All clear.' He spoke, gesturing me to walk on. 'Relyn Shavt, cell five.' I let out a sigh of relief as I walked over to the named cell. A dark figure was sitting in the corner, bent over something that seemed like a book. 'Hello, Relyn.' His brown eyes shimmered for a second before he turned up his face, the light of the torch falling over it perfectly. He looked absolutely horrible. 'What happened to you?' he snorted, raising from his sitting position to walk over to the iron bars. 'Well, you know. Prison life.' His face contained something like hate. 'Why are you here, (Y/n)? And why does your hair look so terribly uneven?' I huffed. 'I cut it off that bad, huh? I wanted to see you.' He leaned closer to my face. 'You wanted to see me... Even after you turned me in, you mean? Where are your little Thieves Guild friends?' 'They betrayed me.' He chewed on his chapped bottom lip. 'What did they do?' 'They sent me on a dangerous task, not telling about the Stormcloaks that had invaded the place. I was captured and raped by three Nords. Nero is dead.' His dark eyes narrowed, concern filling them as his face softened. 'Oh... I didn't think they would go that low.' I averted my gaze to my feet, trying to fight against the tears. '(Y/n), I would never let you do such a thing without being sure that it is safe for you to go. You know, it was my huge mistake that you were captured here all those years ago. I thought you would come after me, because you are so smart and quick.' I didn't look him in the eye. 'There hasn't been a single day I haven't thought about you. You are on my mind every second. I keep thinking about what we could've become, the two of us against the world.' His fingers wrapped around one of the bars and I had to resist the urge to grab them. 'I love you so much, even after all those years.' 'You are the only one that ever cared about me, Relyn. Brynjolf only used me for his own good, so I could fix the dirty jobs for the Guild.' I spat angrily, clenching my hands to fists. 'Shhh, dear, don't upset yourself. I am glad you left them behind you now. If I ever get out of here, we can start over again. If there only was a way...' I pressed my finger against my lips and reached in my shirt to my bra. 'They searched me, those guards. Real gentlemen, never look at the intimate parts.' I took out three lockpicks, a devilish smirk spreading on the Redguard's face in front of me. 'You are so clever!' he muttered as I handed him the tools. 'Hide here until nightfall and try to distract the guards while I sneak out of here. Follow me afterwards, okay?' I nodded, understanding what he wanted me to do. 'Trust me, alright?' I swallowed, scanning his face with my eyes. His gaze was sincere as he leaned closer. 'We have to run away together and settle down somewhere as far away as possible from that horrible place Riften.' he spoke, his breath on my lips. I pulled back, not ready to accept him fully again. 'Let's just do this.' I spoke. He gave me a wink as I sneaked towards a pillar that could hide my form from the guards until nightfall.

'Ma'am, what are you doing here at this time?' The voice of the guard rang loudly in my ears. 'I must've fallen asleep, I am so sorry!' I apologized. In the corner of my eye, I could see Relyn trying to pry open the door. 'I must ask you to leave, ma'am. It's no place for visitors during midnight. 'I understand sir, but... You still have my dagger.' He looked down to his belt. 'Is it the steel or the iron one?' I hummed. 'I am not sure, to be honest. It is the steel one, I think.' He handed me the steel one and I slipped in into its sheath. I heard the sound of a snapping lockpick and coughed to distract the guard from looking behind him. 'Sorry, I am just a bit thirsty.' I chewed on my lip as I saw one more of the lockpicks break. 'I have to use the bathroom, if that is possible.' He nodded. 'It's the first door on the left if you walk through the hall from here.' I saw Relyn succeed. 'Could you please walk there with me? I am one to get lost pretty quickly.' The guard cleared his throat. 'Of course, young lady. Come with me.' I started to follow him and saw Relyn giving me a quick wink as he sneaked out. I gave him a thumbs up before trying not to blow my cover as I walked after the guard. 

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