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{(Y/n) POV} 

I awoke from a searing pain rippling through my spine and a groan left my dry lips. 'Whelp, sorry about that. I didn't mean to drop you.' The unfamiliar feminine voice whispered as I felt a small hand hoist me up by my arm into a sitting position. 'She's finally awake.' Brynjolf. I slowly opened my eyes, rubbing them before squinting from the light that surrounded the lit torch in front of me. 'Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty.' The unfamiliar voice said again. My eyes went to her form, hidden by the shadows. She stepped forward, her dark skin illuminated by the fire, violet eyes shimmering as she bowed her head. 'I apologize for the rude interruption in the middle of the night, (Y/n). You may call me Karliah, an ex-member of the Thieves Guild.' I narrowed my eyes as my back rested against the wall behind me. 'I never met you.' I said, watching as she sunk down onto a rock. 'I was banned from the Guild long before you came here.' 'But I left it as well.' I swallowed as my gaze averted to Brynjolf, who had a look full of sorrow on his face. 'What happened, (Y/n)?' he spoke softly, but his eyes told me that he already knew. 'I don't think I have to say that to you, do I?' He gave me a sad smile before kneeling down in front of me. 'Mercer might or might not have lied about your well-being. He told me you had ran off into the wilderness of Tamriel and only used the Guild for your own good before taking off.' I shook my head and had to resist the urge to slap his hand away. 'This all wouldn't have happened if it weren't for your Guild. Nero would be alive and I would be with Relyn.' 'What do you even see in that guy?' I wanted to slap his handsome face right there and then, but I kept my arms crossed against my chest. 'He loves me.' 'He isn't the only one.' I frowned, not knowing what he meant. 'He is just using his honeyed words to keep you at his side. He is using you, (Y/n). Are you too blind to see that?' It felt nice when my hand made harshly contact with his stubbly cheek, the sound of skin against skin echoing through the cave we were sitting in. 'That's what you get, you bloody moron.' He rubbed his stinging jaw, giving me a raised brow. 'Where was that for?' 'For letting me get involved in your fucking Guild. Now, Carly was it? Get me out of here.' 'Karliah.' the Dunmer muttered, 'and no, I can't let you leave.' I tried to stand up, gripping onto the rocky wall, but my legs wobbled dangerously underneath me, making me sink back onto the cold floor. 'We haven't even explained why I have... kidnapped you in the darkness of night.' I locked eyes with her, making her feel slightly uncomfortable. 'I have been called by our great leader Nocturnal to get you here,' she started. 'The Guild is falling apart since your arrival, crumbling apart slowly from the first moment you set foot in the cistern. Thus, you have to be the one to fix it.' I narrowed my eyes. 'You say I have to save the Guild that took away my very own wolf?' She put a reassuring hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off. 'If you don't listen to her, you will call a curse over yourself, (Y/n).' she stated, her eyes filling with worry. 'You have to listen to me. The Thieves Guild swore eternal service to the Daedric Prince Nocturnal in exchange for protection and shadows.' I tilted my head. 'Who is this Nocturnal you keep speaking about?' 'She is like a scolding mother who pushes her child to do better, that's like how I could describe her.' I pursed my lips. 'Tell me more about her, then.' 'Enough about Nocturnal.' Karliah's voice sounded strict as her brown hair fell before her face. 'You need to proceed to the oath of Nocturnal and become a Nightingale. Only that can save the Thieves Guild.' I swallowed, now feeling strong enough to stand up. I was slightly taller than the Dunmer girl. 'What are the problems that make the Guild collapse, then? You haven't told me that yet. What kind of problem did I cause?' Karliah sighed, stepping closer so we were out of earshot from the curious Brynjolf. 'A problem that set every male member up against each other. It's the problem of love and desire. Brynjolf and Mercer are both in love with you, (Y/n). Brynjolf has been looking for you ever since you left and Mercer is opening up to his feelings for you. The others are bearing a mere crush on you with them.' My cheeks were set on fire and my breath hitched in my throat. 'Y-You mean...' 'Nocturnal told me that Mercer is going to do something big in an attempt to win your heart. Don't let him do that. You need to stop him.'

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