It Begins Here

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* Based on alternative universe*

   There was only one thing that stood
between the sharp-carved flint and the rounded red dot that was freshly painted on the rigged bark of the tall oak tree. Ropes were tied around the waist of the object as it whimpered with fear.

   His heart thumped as cool sweat trickled down his wet-swollen forehead. His right hand tugged on the strings of the prestigiously carved bow in which held the sharp arrow by the end and the side.

    Men who stood with glares plastered upon their face ready to witness the decision Hunter was to make. There were two ways to handle this situation. But execution was the only way to them, but who could blame their brutal minds?

    Hunter had one last glance before he would make his choice. He knew it wouldn't end pretty.

    He placed his bow down still gripping onto the arrow attached to the string and dropped the whole thing to the ground. Then he walked over to the shaking man that was tied to the bullseye and untied him.

" Don't come back..." Hunter murmured a warning into the trembling man's ear. He ran away as fast as he could.

Hunter stood there and looked as the man ran faster than his feet could carry. He soon felt arms lock around his.

   His father pushed into the crowd and glared at his third son.

" Why did you let him go?" his father half-screamed in Hunter's ear.

   " Because it was the right thing." Hunter replied. " He didn't do anything wrong."

   His father raised his hand slowly ready to abuse his child. Then he slapped it across Hunter's face leaving a red mark upon his burning cheek.

   " Take him to the den...again." his father commanded.


   " Father please!" the princess begged to the king. There was a feast to be made with her future groom...more like husband.

   " Not a chance." her father snapped. "You must marry prince Simon at once! No excuses."

   " But I don't want to get married father!" his daughter exclaimed. If only her father listened.

   " It's the best for our kingdom dear." King Lowell replied to his daughter Ashlynn. Ashlynn paused as frustration raced through her body.

   " What about what's best for me? Have you ever thought about that for once instead of the kingdom?" Ashlynn stomped as everyone such as maids and butlers stopped to stare.

    " Will you stop it?! You are embarrassing me!" Lowell snapped, to him, reputation was more important than being caring.

   " You never cared for me, didn't you?" tears started to well up in Ashlynn's emerald-green eyes.

   " You only used me so I could carry out the family heritage didn't you?! You never cared for me!" Ashlynn's tears raced down her cheeks but she tried to hide them.

   " You are being foolish!" the king exclaimed, but it was too late. Ashlynn had already ran off to her bedroom.

Ashlynn burst inside her bedroom, she tried to be strong, but she couldn't. If only she could be who she really was. She had always dreamed to see the world outside of the castle doors instead of being locked inside of them. She never wanted to get swiped off her feet by a random prince that she had met in one day. If only her father understood. But she knew that he would never comprehend.

    She looked out the window as a bird flew inside. The window was her only way to breathe the fresh air of the outdoors. But no one knew about the open window, since it wasn't allowed due to flying animals inside the castle once before.

The small little blue bird landed on her fingertips as it chirped with delight. The birdie chirped on about an adventure it had with a group of friends and said that they encountered a kind young man who help them build a small nest for a robin family.

" Oh how lovely." Ashlynn smiled as she understood the small bird. She had a special knack for understanding any type of animal. People thought that she was plain crazy and wild mannered, but they didn't know. " He is very kind for helping you and your friends."

Soon there was a knock on the door. Ashlynn shot up and let the bird fly away as she shut her window shut.

" Princess Ashlynn Ella." a familiar voice called. " Your father is waiting for you at the grand entrance hall."

" Thank you Edward." Ashlynn replied. " I'll be there in a second."

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