I Object!

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" Are you ready?" Herald asked, giving a small wink. " Your highness?"

" Ready..." Ashlynn said feeling a bit nervous. She was worried if anything would go wrong.

Ashlynn tugged onto her dress as she and Herald walked down the hallways into the main aisle or ceremony room. The doors opened slowly as the crowd stood up. Prince Simon had a cocky smile upon his face. Ashlynn couldn't wait to slap it away from his face. She turned to Herald who looked straight into the distance, with a bright smile upon his face. King Lowell looked serious and nonemotional, not a single tear escaping from his eyes, almost like an army contoller.

As she stepped onto the stage podium, the priest smiled sweetly at Ashlynn ready to start the ceremony of romance. The priest started by saying his beginning speech and by asking the groom and bride a few questions. The the priest asked the audience a question.

" If anyone objects the marriage of these loving two, please announce this now or hold your peace for the rest of your days." the priest said holding his bible.

Silence stained the room like dirt on a cloth. Suddenly, doors started to bang then they burst open after a few tries.

" Anyone..?" the priest asked with sweat rolling down his forehead while the doors open.

" I object!" a voice shouted which echoed the room.


" I object!" Hunter shouted across the room holding the doors open. Everyone looked shocked except for Ashlynn and Herald.

" You!" Simon shouted. " What are you doing here?!"

" I came to do what's right." Hunter said as he walked across the aisle holding up his invitation. " And plus I have an invitation."

Hunter dropped the invitation in the guest box. He smiled at Ashlynn who beamed and placed her bouquet of fake flowers upon a nearby table. The guests gasped as they watched in fear of the huntsman.

" Don't even take a step closer huntsman...." Simon growled as he whipped his sword out.

" I won't...I'll stay right here your majesty..." Hunter bowed mockingly.

" And he will, cause the only one that will be moving is...me." Ashlynn said as she walked next to Hunter. Then she looked at Hunter.

" You came back...." Ashlynn gasped. Hunter smiled as he rested his hand on the side of her shoulder.

" My eyes are finally open Ashlynn, they've been closed. And now I see that need to complete something that I have started." Hunter said. Some grunted in disbelief or rolled their eyes.

" Ridiculous." King Lowell grunted as he commanded for the guards who grabbed Hunter forcefully. " Take the foolish lad away."

" Father don't!" Ashlynn exclaimed. "Can't you see that I don't want to go through all this...business rubbish!"

" Ashlynn, like I said before! You have no choice!"

    " Yes I do father! And you have to respect that!" Ashlynn said as the crowd gasped. It was unusual for a princess to reply to her father. She turned around to the guards who looked dumbfounded. " Let him go."

The guards unraveled their arms from Hunter as they stepped back. Hunter took a step forward next to Ashlynn. Not afraid of the sword.

    " I thought you took care of all of them!" Lowell mumbled in Simon's ear.

    " I did too." Simon whispered back.

    " Oh the second I saw that field..." Hunter said gathering courage. " But that doesn't matter anymore and you know why?"

" Why's that?" Simon asked as he stepped closer to Hunter glaring cold and hardened.

Hey everybody! Here's a chapter! I hope that you liked it! See ya!

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