The Plan

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   " Grab your things." Hunter demanded. Ashlynn didn't know what was going on but she trusted  him a little. Even though he was a huntsman.

   " Where exactly are we going?" Ashlynn repeated feeling a bit unsure as she grabbed her things. She didn't completely trust him.

    " Back to your precious big castle that's where we're going." Hunter replied as he dashed for some rocks and placed them inside a bag along with a sling-shot that hung by the bag's handles.

   " What!" Ashlynn exclaimed. No, she couldn't go back. Her freedom couldn't end right now. Sure it meant that she had to clean, but at least she was doing something apart from marrying a stupid prince. Cleaning didn't feel so bad, she would get used to it.

   " I'd knew you'd be excited." Hunter smiled as he took her hand not understanding. " Come on, before they catch us."

   " No!" Ashlynn exclaimed as she yanked her hand away from Hunter. " I can't go back!"

   " Ashlynn please, it's for the best! You'll be safe there!" Hunter said.

   " I'm not going back! Don't even think of taking me there!" Ashlynn shouted. Tears started to form.

   " But why?" Hunter snapped. "What's so bad about being safe inside a comfy castle?"

   " I'm not even allowed to go outside and explore this wonderful world! I have to learn how to be a stupid queen! I have to marry this...stupid prince who only cares about being king! You don't understand!" Ashlynn burst into tears. " I can't go back have to understand."

   " But it's for your own good. You could get in trouble along with in danger Ashlynn." Hunter felt guilty. But he couldn't let her die and he couldn't let his family be taken as criminals. This was more than just a choice.

   " Look, just hear me out! If you return home you can escape from home again...but don't go to the forest. I think that's where you came from. Does that sound okay?" Hunter added. They had to be quick.

   " I guess, the worst part is that I'll have to get married to that selfish prince." Ashlynn replied.

   " Sometimes you gotta do things that you don't want to do." Hunter replied back.

   They successfully sneaked out of the den and ran faster than ever into the forest. It was part of Hunter's plan. He would sneak into the forest with Ashlynn, which would lead them to the castle quicker than before. Then he would return Ashlynn back into her little haven and return home himself. Then he would pay his penalties. The penalty would most likely to be death since escaping a prisoner breaks rule number five of the Huntsman Law.

    Rule number five said: " If thou shalt escape the prisoner, then thou shalt be punished with the wrath of the whip or death depending on the riches of the prisoner." Outlandish but true, it made sense for the Huntsmen.

   See? His plan was nice and simple. 

Hey everybody! I hope that you liked this chapter! See you soon! See ya!

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