This Is Not Goodbye

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   Darkness closed in onto the sky as Hunter made it to the entrance of the Huntsmen's so called "claimed land". It was one of the few reasons why Huntsmen were hated across of what seemed like the world.

   The winds blew its puffs of air as Hunter dragged his tired legs to the place. When he reached his father's place he couldn't believe his eyes.

   Bodies lying across acres of ground with blood surrounding them. Knifes stood as they were stabbed through many places of the bodies of many. Weapons were stained with blood were held by the dead or stabbed onto the ground. No one stood up or moved. Horses laid down on the ground motionless, they were dead also.

   They were all dead.....

" What happened here....?" Hunter whispered to himself in bewilderment and shock at his view. Was this all his fault? He walked closer towards his house.

    When he finally reached home, he barged the front door open to reveal the kitchen. It was empty, no one was in sight. He stood at the front door entry ready to see what was coming. To see his last sight.


    No sounds, no sight, nothing. It was almost as if how his death was going to happen, with nothing happening. Then he caught the figure.

    Everyone had died....even his father and brother. And for the first time in forever, Hunter cried. For his father and brother. And not to mention for the others.

    " It's my fault." Hunter thought as he took out a sharp blade. It was the same blade that his father had given to him. He placed it on a nearby table, he soon realized it was the same table that Ashlynn cleaned. He swiped his finger across and found some dust on it.

    Suddenly, a sound banged out into the whole kingdom. Hunter heard it as he spun around to see a church bell in the distance. The bells rang and clashed with the church sound. Hunter pulled out his invitation.

You are gracefully invited to the romantic wedding of:
Prince Simon &
Princess Ashlynn

    Hunter looked at the invitation for a while. He remembered what was Ashlynn's wish. It was to explore the world around her. But he shut her out of it and told her she had to marry a prince. He felt guilty but it was for what seemed like a good cause.

    He did it so his family wouldn't suffer. He did it so Ashlynn wouldn't die. And maybe since he wasn't going to die, he could just maybe do another favor for the princess. He couldn't believe his thoughts but he knew what he had to do.

This is not goodbye.


   The wedding bells clanged its tune to announce the royalty wedding. Her father said it would be a good idea if they gotten married as soon as possible before Ashlynn got the idea of running away again.

    Ashlynn sat on her vanity with her finest dress that the finest bride would wear. It was white that showed her shoulders with laced sleeves. It was a dress that anyone would die for.

    Her strawberry-blonde hair was put down as always and the only makeup she had on was light concealer, pink blush, and strawberry colored lipstick

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    Her strawberry-blonde hair was put down as always and the only makeup she had on was light concealer, pink blush, and strawberry colored lipstick. Delicate and perfection. She had shoes of glass with the tint of the color blue.

She stood up and walked towards her window. She was back locked inside once again. But she couldn't blame Hunter, he didn't know and how would he know?

But that wasn't the thing that was distracting her, it was the hope that he would come. She had overheard her father talking to Prince Simon about an attack that they made over at Huntsmen's territory. They bragged about how their army smitten every man they saw, even the leader. Even though they were cruel to her, it pained her to hear that. Knowing that Hunter was going to be raged when he saw the unfortunate sight.

When the wedding would begin and when the priest would ask objections, she would object herself. That was her plan. She wasn't going to kiss herself goodbye to the freedom she grasped.

This is not goodbye.

Hey everybody! I hope that you liked this chapter! I sure did! I hope to see you soon in the next one! See ya!

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