Leader's Command

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" Ashlynn," he said as he stood in the doorway. " you may leave the kitchen now."

" We won't say a word..." he smiled as he held up his pinkie.

Ashlynn backed away with fear striking her eyes. Hunter looked at her feeling embarrassed and guilty. How did they come home so fast? Hunting usually took about a few hours or so.

When she left. His father walked closer to his son, smiling deeply. He lifted Hunter's chin to his face.

" You've done well..."

" What do you mean?" Hunter growled. Anger rushed through him.

" You know what you did. But don't worry, you won't have to do the next thing I have in mind." he said as he walked over to the kitchen table. The leader swiped his index finger and checked for some dust.

" You are not going to hurt her." Hunter bellowed louder.

" Fine, if I won't then you will." he replied taking out a knife.

" She's the kingdom's weakness." he added. " If you...do what I say then we won't have to live in this miserable place anymore. We can throw out the king and have the gold to ourselves." he added as he placed the knife in his hands.

" Are you out of your-" Hunter was cut off by a slap in the face. Hunter threw his face back and saw his two older brothers.

" You're going to do it." his father growled. " Or I will."

" You just wanted riches in the first place didn't you?" Hunter murmured.

" The truth is too much for a pathetic little boy like you." he father left the room. " You're too much like your mother...it's a shame she ran away."

Hunter looked at the knife that he held, sharp and ready to stab anyone in sight. He ignored what his father had said. He looked up to see his father already gone.

He knew what he had to do. Then he noticed something.

" King Lowell." He thought.

He ran towards where Ashlynn stayed, which was the den. He saw that she was there wandering around.

   " Ashlynn..." he whispered.

   " Yeah? Why are you-" Ashlynn spoke but Hunter shushed her since she was too loud.

    " We have to go." he said.

    " Where?" Ashlynn asked curious.

    " Away from here." Hunter replied. He grabbed her hand and looked straight into her eyes.

    He knew what he was doing.

Hey everybody! Sorry for the short chapter! But I hope that you liked it though. See you soon in the next chapter! See ya!

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