Night Crawls In

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  The sun fell to it's resting place under the earth's realm, it was a spectacular sight to see before the eyes of the two. The nighttime moon rose up a shined like a glow stick in the dark, and it's sons and daughters twinkled the sky brightly. Some raced around like cheetahs against the tall savannah plains or like fireworks who shot out their bloom. Mountain wolves howled, which made the slow breezy wind finally come in tune. The tall pine and oak trees swayed back and forth slowly as if it was playing a lullaby to the two down below.

Hunter was fast asleep, breathing soundly like nothing was going to happen to him. For him, the daily cycle was like the circle of life. The morning was a fresh start like a newborn ready to play. The afternoon was a teenager or an adult depending on the time, ready to work hard. And the night was like an elder, ready to rest for their afterlife. Even though he was still the afternoon, he knew that he wouldn't last long in this world. So he had to prepare for his own afterlife. He dreamt of his last day, his last words, his last sight.

Ashlynn was wide awake, she looked up at the stars, she couldn't sleep. The howls didn't bother her though. She just had a long thought in her mind, it was about the kiss she shared. It was her first one...ever.

She heard about stories that included kisses like Sleeping Beauty and The Princess and the Frog, but they weren't the same. Kisses didn't transform her into anything and it didn't wake her up. She was the same. No, no she wasn't.

Ashlynn had this feeling inside of her, her chest tightened whenever she looked at Hunter, and her heart felt lightly. Was it because he kissed her? Why did they kiss? Did she love him and did he love her back? Why didn't he act like the other Huntsmen? So this is love?

Soon she heard some twisting and turning, soon there was some groaning and moaning. Ashlynn looked over to see Hunter having a pained look on his face as he slept. Should she wake him up?

" Hunter...are you okay?" she whispered as she shook him lightly. Hunter woke up startled as Ashlynn pulled her hand back as a reaction.

" Did you wake me?" he asked. He didn't look angry, but instead he had a worried look.

" You were having a bad dream...I think." Ashlynn replied.

" Oh...sorry." he muttered. " Did I wake you up?"

" N-N-no." Ashlynn stuttered. " I was already awake."

" You can't sleep...can't you?" Hunter asked, he looked guilty.

" No, I've just been...thinking deeply." Ashlynn looked up at the sky. " You know, princess thoughts."

Hunter looked down at his lap since he was now sitting up. His heart thumped heavily and his chest tightened hard like stone.

" I'm sorry." Hunter spoke quietly. " I just want you to know that I respect you."

" Respect me?" Ashlynn laughed at what seemed like a joke. " What did I do?"

" You gave up your dream...for me and my family. Not only you going back for your own safety, but you're going back so my family won't be criminals and possibly executed." Hunter said staring off into the stars that shot across the dark and mysterious sky. " And I respect that."

" Oh..." Ashlynn replied she didn't realize that before.

" I don't think anyone would do that for a Huntsman." Hunter said, then he laughed at his own statement. " You're very brave."

" Thank you." Ashlynn blushed. Luckily there wasn't any light around to see the blushing.

It was silent between the two, the only thing that broke it was the chirps of the crickets. The wind blew but made no noise at all.

Hey everybody! I hope that you liked this liked this chapter! What is your favorite part of this book so far? What should Ashlynn or Hunter do in future chapters? Tell me in the comments! See ya!

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