So This Is Goodbye?

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They both stayed quiet as the forest breeze meandered its way through the trees. They followed the path that lead to the Ella kingdom, and it was closer than expected. But all of a sudden they heard rein-slashing and neighing along with the clickety-clack that clapped against the ground. The sound came closer and closer. Close enough that Hunter got a glimpse of the sound-maker. A horse.

There were two horses in fact, one was black as the night sky while the other was white as the fluffy daytime clouds. Two fine rich men rode the horses as one of them halted for a stop before the two.

" What's going on?" Hunter asked with annoyance as one of them jumped off a horse. He had a fancy cape and a dashing smirk plastered upon his face.

" Nothing, it's just that you...Huntsman have no right to be walking with this lovely princess." he said.

" Prince Simon." Ashlynn crossed her arms. She did not look like she was in the mood to deal with her...fiancé. Or at least it was what it seemed.

" Princess Ashlynn." he bowed. " I am beyond sorry that you had to be captured by this disgraceful creature."

" Actually the disgraceful creature was about to return with her back home so she would return safely." Hunter crossed his arms. The other man looked as if he knew who Hunter was.

" Wait a minute," the other one walked forward looking straight at Hunter's eyes.
" I know you."

" You're the one who saved me from being killed." he said.

" Are you sure that's him Herald, a Huntsman?" Prince Simon asked shooting a dirty look.

" Yes, it's him. He also warned me to not come back." Herald smiled at Hunter. He started to recognize him.

" Well," Simon still had his negative look on. " thank you. I guess you're not that bad as the others. But I'm going to warn you, if you enter the Ella Kingdom, you're going to regret it."

" Don't worry, that won't happen." Hunter replied. Simon took Ashlynn by the hand, but she yanked it away from him.

" Wait." she said stubbornly. " Just one minute."

She walked closer to Hunter and looked upon his eyes for the last time. She sighed deeply.

" I guess it's goodbye for real." she said. Her face was calm and depressed, it pained Hunter. It pained him even more than knifes repeatedly stabbing someone's back.

" It is..but remember what I told you. You can always run away once again. Go somewhere far from here and cover your real identity." Hunter replied.

" But that's not the real problem, it's just that you won't be with me." Ashlynn replied holding onto her new and current necklace.

" Memories are meant to be pictures of the past, not the shards of the future." Hunter said. "You still have so much to live for...sacrifices will have to be made."

The two looked at each for a while until Prince Simon interrupted them and said it was time to go. They all looked at him as he took Ashlynn's hand and took her to his horse and took off without a " thank you" or even a " goodbye". Herald was left behind but he didn't seem to care, he noticed that Hunter was a bit saddened to see Ashlynn go and he had also eavesdropped on their last conversation. He couldn't bare to let Hunter heart shatter, not after what he did to save him.

" Here," the butler said as he handed an invitation. " an invitation to prove yourself."

" I won't be needing this." Hunter pushed the invitation. " I won't make it."

" But you have to, I can't bare to see a hero's heart be broken. "

" Today is my last day here in this place." Hunter said glancing at the sky and back. " I must pay by punishment and for my actions."

" Just in case you make it, I want you to have this." Herald said as he gave the invitation. Hunter took it.

The servant smiled as he climbed onto his horse and he took off. Leaving Hunter alone in the forest by himself. All he had to do was turn back, it was the only answer. And so he did. The sky's clouds felt hung low as the yellow and orange stained the orange sky.

Hey everybody! I hope that you liked this chapter! Sorry that it's depressing it's just that some stories have sad parts and I wanted to make this a bit dramatic. I really hope that you comprehend :). To be honest I wanted this to be the last chapter, but I couldn't let that happen to my otp couple, nor to my bae, Hunter (don't judge me). See you guys in the next chapter! See ya!

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