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Including this chapter, there are only seven chapters of this book left. The Doctor gets slightly protective in this chapter and we finally see Jack again. I love this episode. :D


"Where are we going?" Martha questioned walking into the console room seeing the Doctor moving around the console with the Stone. 

"Cardiff!" The Doctor exclaimed before Martha could ask any questions about the subject. Pulling a lever he then sent them through the vortex.

"Cardiff?" she questioned looking at him frowning.

"Ah, but the thing about Cardiff, it's built on a rift in time and space, just like California and the San Andreas Fault, but the rift bleeds energy." He explained.

"Every now and then he needs to open up the engines, soak up the energy and use it as fuel," Rita explained. "Sometimes I help." She shrugged.

"So it's a pit stop."

"Exactly. Should only take twenty seconds."

"Doctor?" Rita looked at the monitor. "The rift's been active."

"Wait a minute." Martha interrupted. "They had an earthquake in Cardiff a couple of years ago. Was that you two?"

"Wasn't me." Rita shrugged. "I was off in a parallel universe back then. Although I think I faintly remember you talking about that at one point... Was it the Slitheen Doctor?"

"Mhm." He hummed. "Bit of trouble with the Slitheen. A long time ago. Lifetimes. I was a different man back then." He muttered.

"I wish I got to meet that you, the only Doctor I haven't met." She hummed resting her chin on his shoulder grinning, she then frowned looking at the monitor seeing someone run towards the TARDIS, she pulled the lever to start the TARDIS to dematerialise as fast as she possibly could having a bad feeling when she looked at the man, breathing out a sigh she rested her head back on the Doctors shoulder as he slightly nodded. The console then began to spark forcing the three to the ground as a loud bang echoed in the room.

"Whoa! What's that?" Martha asked pulling herself up.

The Doctor and Rita pulled themselves up as well and looked at the monitor reading the Gallifreyan in shock. "We're accelerating into the future. The year one billion. Five billion. Five trillion."

"Fifty trillion?" Rita gasped.

"What? The year one hundred trillion? That's impossible." The Doctor looked to her.

"Why?" Martha asked slightly worried. "What happens then?"

"We're going to the end of the universe." The Doctor said taking the brunette's hand. The TARDIS continued to shake for a few moments before coming to a stop. "Well, we've landed."

"So what's out there?" Martha looked over at the doors.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"Neither do I, slightly worries me."

"Say that again," Martha told them. "That's rare."

"Not even the Time Lords came this far. We should leave. We should go. We should really, really go." He looked to Rita then Martha and the Time Lords both wildly grinned at Martha before running to the doors both grabbing their coats and then exited the TARDIS.

They stepped outside into what looked like the night and looked out at the view before Martha gasped running over to a body causing the Time Lords to spin around. The Doctor looked down with an unreadable facial expression. Martha felt the man's neck trying to find a heart. "Can't get a pulse. Hold on. You've got that medical kit thing." She ran back into the TARDIS.

Remembering the Forgotten [2] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now