Last of the Time Lords

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Rita and Martha shivered sitting in the rowing boat as it headed towards the beach. It had been a year since Rita had seen the Doctor, A year since she had spoken to him, been with him and it hurt her hearts. They jumped out the boat as it left running to a man on the beach signalling for them to come over.

"What's your name, then?" Martha asked.

He replied. "Tom Milligan. No need to ask who you are. The famous Martha Jones with the Stone. How long since you were last in Britain?" Tom asked.

"Three hundred and sixty-five days." She sighed.

"It's been a long year," Rita muttered.

"So what's the plan?"

"This Professor Docherty," Martha explained before Rita cut in. "We need to see her. Can you get us there?"

"She works in a repair shed, Nuclear Plant Seven. I can get you both inside. What's all this for? What's so important about her?"

"Sorry, the more you know, the more you're at risk," Martha replied as they follow Tom to a car.

"There's a lot of people depending on you both." He said then looked at the brunette. "You're a bit of a legend."

"And this legend?" Rita raised a brow. "What does it say then?"

"That you sailed the Atlantic, walked across America. That you were the only two that got out of Japan alive." He replied. "The Stone and Martha Jones, they say, their going to save the world. Bit late for that."

"Oh, I tend to not give up hope," Rita muttered as they walked closer to the car.

"How come you can drive?" Martha asked. "Don't you get stopped?"

"Medical staff. Used to be in paediatrics back in the old days. But that gives me a licence to travel so I can help out other the labour camps."

"Great," Martha muttered. "I'm travelling with a doctor."

"Story of my life." Rita chuckled lightly.

They started to drive in silence before Tom started a conversation with Martha. "Story goes that you're the only person on Earth who can kill him. That you, and you alone, can kill the Master stone dead."

Martha glanced back at Rita remembering what she said at the airport a year ago coldly muttering. "Let's just drive."

They continued to drive in silence until reaching the quarry, they ditched the car and continued through on foot. Rita groaned seeing a carving of the Master in stone. "All over the Earth, those things. He's even carved himself into Mount Rushmore."

"I think he just did that to try and remind me of who's in charge." She shivered slightly. "Or just to mock me because he knows how much he annoyed me as a child." Tom looked at her raising his brows in confusion. "He's my cousin, "

Tom nodded his head as they looked over the quarry seeing the millions of rockets. "Best to keep down. Here we go. The entire south coast of England converted into shipyards. They bring in slave labour every morning. Break up cars, houses, anything, just for the metal. Building a fleet out of scrap."

"You should see Russia. That's Shipyard Number One. All the way from the Black Sea to the Bering Strait, there's a hundred thousand rockets getting ready for war." Martha told him.

"War? With who?"

"The rest of the universe, my home planet was out there." the Stone looked up at the sky sighing a little.

Remembering the Forgotten [2] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now