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School, a place every kid dreaded the most. School, a place every kid especially hates going to after a nice long holiday. Especially when your enjoying a nice long sleep. And bam. Blan blam blam.

Alarm clock. It especially wasn't the best after winning Americas got talent. Meeting fans. Performing a live show. Recording songs.

Imagine if you were like Grace and had that opportunity to do the things you loved like that. School would be the last place you'd wanna be. It was the last place she wanted to be. Especially after something so big had happened. Because you know school.

Obviously everyone knew, it was all over television. And It's not like Grace wasn't grateful that her school would celebrate. She loved people supporting her. But it still was school. Rumours started all the time.

She hated rumours. What was the point? And she'd been thinking about it lots recently. That's when she wrote her song, "Gossip Girl".
To symbolize people who spill your life out to others.

Secrets are called secrets for a reason. That was her motto. She believed that. Nobody would convince her otherwise. She was such a motivated per---

"Grace!" Her mother shouted,"Your going to be late for the bus!".

Grace quietly groaned from her room. She set down her pencil and ukulele and grabbed her backpack. She put on her coat, said goodbye to her mom, and left. She didn't rush to the bus. She didn't know what to expect.

When she got on a lot of people were staring straight at her. 'Well, this is kinda creepy' she thought. 'I'll just sit in the front row and avoid questions'. But, sure enough when she sat down, she was swarmed with questions. She tried her best to answer.

Just when she actually started to like answering questions the bus pulled up to the school. And everybody was gone. She thanked the bus driver, she always did that. She got off the bus waved to the bus driver and walked away. She stopped herself before entering the school.

In a way, she was happy to be back. Before she had left, they had all cheered her on. But like said before, rumours also tend to start up a lot.  She took a deep breath and entered the school. Everyone, looked at her.

As she walked in the hallway people constantly said "Hi"and backed out of her way.  She felt like royalty. But also like they were treating her good, to good.
Non the less--She was happy to be back.

Gossip girl  ~Grace vanderwaal Fanfiction~ (completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat