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When Grace got home after school she asked her mom about the party. Graces mom, who had seen Grace in a bad mood lately. said yes;Hoping it would brighten Graces mood.

Grace got ready in her room. She didn't know what for. It wasn't like she was going with anyone. She pulled out her phone.

Grace:I'm sorry...
Georgie:that's ok..are you still coming to the party?
Grace:yeah I guess so
Georgie:good! :)
Grace:I guess so
~End of convo~

Grace wasn't the most excited person for this party. After all, Ross would be there. It had only been three weeks, and she'd fallen apart. How? It was only a boy.

How had she got so upset over a boy? She didn't understand why she was so freaked out and hurt.

But then again, she did understand. And when she thought about it, she felt a pain in her chest. Her heart was hurting. A few tears rolled down her eyes. She looked at her wrists.

She had cut them;She thought it would relieve the pain. But her pain was still there. Not because of the knife. Just because of what had happened;it was all a dare. All a silly little dare.

He never meant what he said to her. He took her first kiss. When it all meant nothing. It hurt Grace so deeply that it was just a silly dare to him. And it was funny to him to do that.

She wiped away her tears and continued getting ready.

Iv'E bEeN oN wAtTpAd A wEeK aNd I'm NeArLy DoNe ThIs BoOk
It WiLl bE rApPiNg uP sOoN

Oh wait it's been two weeks

Gossip girl  ~Grace vanderwaal Fanfiction~ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now