Chapter 16~

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(Izzy's pov.)

I wake up with a knot in my neck. I slowly sit up to see that Jackie, Amandla, and Jen had all fallen asleep on my twin sided bed. Four girls in one twin sided bed, how in the world did that happen? I also see ice cream bowls, spoons, and cartons in the bed and on the sheets. Ha ha, at least it's a hotel. I look to see Jackie and her lion mane, I make fun of her every morning because her bed head always makes her look like an untamed lion with a mane that had never been cut. Jackie is laying at the end of the bed, dangerously close to the edge, and right near my feet. It's like the world is telling me to kick her off. I nudge her with my right foot, nothing. I kick her a bit harder, still nothing. I swear this girl could sleep through world war 3.

Just then Jen rolls over and looks at me with open eyes and a smirk on her face. "What do you think you're doing Ms Fuhrman?" She whispers.

"Why on Earth would you think I'm doing something?" I whisper with an innocent smile.

Before Jen could reply a loud knock on the door was heard.

"Ugh people!" I say throwing a pillow at the door.

"Who comes knocking on the door at," Jen glances at the alarm clock beside the bed, "Seven in the morning?"

I get up from my spot on the bed an walk up to the door. Being to lazy to check the eye hole I just say loud enough, "Who goes there?"

"Your best friend." A deep voice answers.

"Hmmm... I don't believe so...." I say, "Who could it be.."

"The best person you know!" Another voice says.

I know right away that the second person is Jack. Who is the other?

"Well if you truly are my best friend, then answer the most important question you shall ever be asked," I dramatically pause, "Are you ready for your question?"

"Yes." The deep voice answers.



password?" I ask smirking.

"Nutella." The voice answers.

"Nope," I say.


I smirk at the memory of the simple word.

We had a break from filming and were sitting outside, Josh was completely concentrated on his beloved phone. Then Gary asked us what scene we wanted to film next and we all gave our answer, well everyone except Josh. Gary walked up to Josh and took his phone 'Well?' Gary asked. 'Well what?' Josh asked confused. 'What would you like?' Gary said. Josh thought for a moment, 'Oranges' he replied. We all bursted out laughing leaving Josh there, completely and utterly confused.

"Not even close." I say, I look at see that Jen and Amandla were sitting up in bed trying to hold back their laughter.

"Cone on Isabelle, open the door! Your coffee is getting cold!" Jack says.

I quickly open the door and see Jack and Josh standing there each holding their own coffee and Jack holding a little tray of four others.

"I told you it would work," Jack said smirking.

"Shut up and give me my coffee," I say.

Josh takes one of the cups off the tray and gets on one knee, "Your coffee my lady," he says in a 'posh' accent.

"Why thank you sir," I reply with an equally 'posh' accent.

"Do I get coffee?" Jen asks.

I open the door further and let the boys walk in to hand Jen her coffee and Amandla her hot chocolate.

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