The Decision

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Chapter 1

Kate sat in her car for a few minutes. She was dreading to have this conversation with Rick. She loved him so much but she also wanted the job in Washington D.C.

She walked over to the swings and sat down so she could see Rick's face. He didn't look at her.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking about us... and where were headed." Rick explained. "I've decided I want more. We both deserve more." Rick continued.

"I agree." Kate replied.

Rick stepped up to get off the swing and down on one knee. "Katherine Houghton Beckett will you marry me?" Rick asked.

Kate was confused. She thought he was breaking up with her. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh you're... you're purposing!" She exclaimed. "Yeah that's what The ring is for." Rick said sarcastically.

She pulled him close and kissed him stroking his hair. He pulled apart. "So is that a yes?" Rick asked.

" yes?" Kate was confused. "Rick I... I got the job and I want to go but I cannot." She said upset. "Why cannot you go?" he asked.

"Rick I gotta tell you something and I don't know how your going to take it." She said a little anxious but scared at the same time.

"What?" Rick asked. He had no idea what he was in for.

"Rick I'm... I'm pregnant." she said. Kate looked down at her feet. She didn't know how Rick would react.

"Kate that's...that's amazing. When did you find out?" He asked.

"Um" Kate was surprised. "Wait so your excited?" Kate asked unsure.

Rick moved closer toward Kate. He took her hands. "Kate of course I am. I proposing to you because I love you. I didn't think it was possible but now since your having our baby, I love you even more." he exclaimed.

She smiled and kissed him. "Then yes, Richard Edgar Alexander Rodgers Castle, I will marry you." Kate announced. They kissed passionately by the swings. They didn't care who was watching. The only thing that mattered to them was each other.

"When did you find out?" Rick asked.

"I was gonna tell you yesterday before you found the plane ticket. I found out two days ago. I don't know if its official but I'm excited." Kate said.

Rick took her hands and they walked to her car. "Rick, I love you and I cannot stand a minute without you so I turned down the job." Kate told Rick.

"Kate you didn't have to do that. I would have followed you to D.C. you know that." He said.

"I don't care. I would be away from you, my dad, Alexis, and everyone else I care about. I couldn't leave that here for a job. Plus with a baby coming I want our baby to grow up with all the support we can give them." She said.

She buckled her seat belt and reached across to kiss him one more time to last the ride to Rick's loft. "I love you" Kate said. "I love you too." Rick replied.

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