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Here's a profile or things all about Scarlet Vid!

Name: Scarlet Burns Vid

Birthday: October 29, 2003


Height:5'3/ small

Weight:77.34 lbs. (my actual weight)

Parents: Flint and Phoenix Vid

Grandmother: Shizu[She-Zoo]Vid

Siblings(Oldest to youngest):Ruby, Natsu, Herself, Ash and Ashley(Twins)

Hair:Long mid thigh red hair with white tip(She basically looks like my profile picture)


Skin Tone:Pale, but not to pale like killua

Outfit:Long sleeve crop top;white and red stripes;overalls over the crop top; stops at mid thigh

History: She is one of the children from the Vid Clan is one of the top assassins and sets out to be a Hunter.

Nen: Manipulator
Controls time by every 1 sec. in reality is 1 hr. when she stops time.

Other abilities: Her hover boots, extreme hearing, virtual/scanning headphones, nen, bloody scythe( isn't seen till emergencies;secret)

Personality: lovable goofball, almost angry most of the times, quiet at first, clumsy

Likes:Chocolate<3, her friends, kittens(well duh), soon to be killua, Natsu, quiet, sleep, eating, killing(until later),animals,running,helping, SUSHI<3

Dislikes: her family, Tonpa, motion sickness, people who insult her and her friends, perverts,people crying


*Hey their my little kittens!! I hope you enjoyed this little profile of Scarlet. It's just so you get to know her better. But anyways bye my kittens!!

📷Instagram: _annie._.tran_

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