[Chapter 14]

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Whoo!! 2nd chapter since my writer's block AND 2 more days till I leave school!! Oh and I changed her DS to a game boy, don't ask.


Scarlet's pov.

"And I told you, NEVER underestimate girls." I said, smirking at four-eyes.

"Whatever." He grumbled quietly.

"That was so cool, Scarlet~chan! You have to teach me that!" Gon said.

"He is right. That was very impressive. Where did you learn that from?" Kurapika calmly asked.

"T-Thank you guys," I said sheepishly."I don't wanna say. Sorry Kurapika."

"Mm, it's okay. If it's personal, I won't beg you to."


"Pshh...I could do better and quicker. She's like an old hag." Killua mumbled.

"Yeah, sure. And rude!!"


-During Gon's battle-

"Psst...Scarlet! I need to talk to you!" Killua whisper-yelled.

I walked over as he kept on waving me over.
"What do you want?" I asked.

He pulled my sleeve and took us to farther away from the others.

"So?" I asked.

"Your from the Vid clan and they kill merciless, so why didn't you kill your opponent?"

"He was too easy to kill. And besides, I test them with my new torturing techniques before killing them."


"Hey!" I pouted. "You guys are the Zoldycks AND the top assassins league. You guys are crazier. I mean you guys own a psychopath and perverted pig."

"Eh, I can't argue with that." He smirked. "I mean you are in second. But at least we don't torture them and keep it slow. We make it end quickly. Oh, did I say you were also in second, not first, second."

"I really wanna wipe that (bleep) ugly smirk off your face."

"Oh admit it, you love it."

"Ugh, I can't deal with you." I facepalmed.

I walked back to Leorio and Gon.

"I'm guessing your done with your battle, huh?" I said.

"Yep! You were talking with Killua back there. What were you talking about?" Gon asked.

"Oh nothing."

"We were talking abo-Ah!" Killua was interrupted by me casually punching him while still looking at Gon. "O-Oh we were t-talking about n-nothing." I said as beads of sweat were forming. "Ne, right Killua?" I glared at him.

A little of my aura was let out, so Killua was shivering on the floor. "H-Hai..." Killua sputtered out. Oh (bleep)! I wasn't supposed to let my aura out!

"Oops, sorry Killua!"


"(Bleep) you, Leorio! Now we have to be stuck in this room for 50 hours because of you!" I yelled pointing at him.

"My fault?! It's not my fault she proposed a rock-paper-scissors match!"

"It's your fault you had to loose and be the perverted man you are!"

"Hey, it was a 1 time chance!"

We glared at each other while the others sweatdropped in the sidelines.

"H-Hey, Scarlet~chan, Leorio~san can you c-calm down." Gon asked.

"Grrr..." I scowled. "Fine."

I walked away while I heard Leorio mutter, "My fault, it's not my fault it's her fault..."

I calmly walked to the wall and took out my game boy from my backpack. I played many multiple competitive games and moved around a lot while playing.

When I looked up, they are all looking at we strangely.



I just shrugged and continued my game. Time went by and I was still playing on my game boy.

The huge timer on the board read 41:16. Wow. I was on it for a very long time. I'm not even tired yet!

"*yawn* Scarlet~chan your not tired yet?" Gon said tiredly.

"He he, I didn't know everyone was sle-"


It's been only 9 hours, how's everyone tired?

I just shrugged and continued playing on my game boy.


Man I was hoping their would be more romance in this chapter.

Oh well, I try.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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