[Chapter 7]

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I'm sorry if I took a long time to update, schools a tough and horrible thing, but besides it's common for authors to have that kind of excuse, but since summers coming nearer it'll be easier for us to update.
Also, instead of putting letters and asterisks for bad words, I'll just put (bleep) and let you guys fill in the blank. :)

Scarlet's pov.

The gate opened and all the people entered the next exam.

We all were greeted by a teal colored lady with her hair in a crazy style and a fat man.

"Hello. My name is Menchi and this is my partner, Buhara. We will be your second phase examiner." Menchi greeted.

Wow that guy is abnormally large!! I thought.

"What are we doing in this exam?!" Someone shouted from the crowd. "Oh, what we are doing you ask? This exam, we will be cooking!"She shouted.

"Why should we cook?! Cooking is useless!" A guy yelled. He had brown hair and was, too, fat.

Menchi shot an angry look at the guy. "Well we chef Hunters cook for a perfect taste to savior!" Menchi shouted. (Bleep), dramas starting already.

The contestants were complaining about how stupid the exam was. I'm not very good at cooking because I've never cooked in my life.

"Hush! You will cook for this exam and we both have to be satisfied with your dish!" Menchi said.

"This theme will be..............pork!" Buhara shouted.
"The exam starts now!" Menchi said.

Everyone quickly rushed to find some pork out in the forest.

I followed Gon and the others to the forest. "Hey Gon, do you know where your going?" I said trying to block the branches in my face. He nodded. "Okay, I trust you." I said sighing.

From a few feet away, I heard a few snorts. I rushed passed the others and headed to the snorts. "Hey! Where you going Scarlet?! I thought we were following Gon!" Leorio yelled.

"Gomen! I heard snorts!" I said running away.

Author's pov.

Scarlet ran all the way to the noise and slid down on a hill on accident.

Right behind her,Gon slid down behind her and bumped on her back. Following was Killua, Kurapika, then Leorio.

"Oi! Why'd you stop?!" Killua said. "Hush, or you'll scare the pigs away." Scarlet said quietly.

The rest turned their heads and saw pigs eating meat. "Their carnivores?" Leorio wondered.

The pigs heard us and snorted in anger. They came trampling towards us. "Spread!" Scarlet shouted. Scarlet jumped on a tree and waited till a pig came towards her. Meanwhile, the others ran away.

Scarlet uses her virtual headphones to scan the pigs. She finally found their weak spot, which was their forehead. No wonder their snout is covering their forehead. She thought.

Gon has also found out cause he started to jump on the pig's back and jumped higher, landing on their forehead.

All the applicants saw Gon and copied him. Scarlet quickly killed her pig and carried the huge pig on her head. She walked next to Killua and they both headed to the exam site.

"Hey...um, do you need help carrying your pig?" Killua asked a little embarrassed. Scarlet shook her head in reply. "I can carry it myself. Thank you very much. But thanks for asking." Scarlet answered.

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